Hi All,

I have compiled the RC5 of kernel 6.13 [1] with the latest revert patch. [2]

After that, I successfully tested the following QEMU/KVM HV components.

- Guest performance: good
- Guest boot time: short
- KVM HV works (-enable-kvm)
- SMP works (-smp 4)
- QEMU User Networking (SLIRP) via VirtIO_net works (Tested it with SSH and with a web browser)
- QEMU USB Audio works (Tested it with some audio files in the guest system)
- VirtIO GPU works
- Virtual mouse and keyboard controller works (VirtIO input)
- 9p mount of a host folder via VirtIO works in the guest system
- Serial output from the guest works (console=ttyS0,115200)
- Shutdown and reboot works

The issue still exists but I hope Paolo's patch can fix the issue. [3]


[1] https://github.com/chzigotzky/kernels/releases/tag/v6.13.0-rc5
[2] https://github.com/chzigotzky/kernels/blob/main/patches/X5000/kvm_ppc_revert.patch
[3] https://github.com/chzigotzky/kernels/issues/4

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