On Wed, 2024-07-03 at 02:48 +0300, Jarkko Sakkinen wrote:
> On Mon, 2024-07-01 at 15:14 -0400, Stefan Berger wrote:
> > Applying it is probably the better path forward than restricting HMAC to 
> > x86_64 now and enabling it on a per-architecture basis afterwards ...
> Why is this here and not in the associated patch?
> Any, what argue against is already done for v6.10.
> The actual bug needs to be fixed before anything
> else.
> I can look at the patch when in August (back from
> holiday) but please response to the correct patch
> next time, thanks.

Next steps forward:

1  Comment out sessions_init().
2. See what happens on x86 in QEMU.
3. All errors were some sort size errors, so look into failing
   sites and fixup the use of hmac shenanigans.

BR, Jarkko

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