"Sven Peter" <s...@svenpeter.dev> writes:
> On Sun, Oct 2, 2022, at 16:07, Arminder Singh wrote:
>> Hi,
>>>  #define REG_MTXFIFO        0x00
>>>  #define REG_MRXFIFO        0x04
>>>  #define REG_SMSTA  0x14
>>> +#define REG_IMASK   0x18
>>> This doesn't seem to be aligned correctly, this file seems to use a tab
>>> to separate the register name and the offset and you used spaces here.
>>> @@ -15,7 +16,11 @@ struct pasemi_smbus {
>>>     struct i2c_adapter       adapter;
>>>     void __iomem            *ioaddr;
>>>     unsigned int             clk_div;
>>> -   int                      hw_rev;
>>> +   int                              hw_rev;
>>> +   int                  use_irq;
>>> +   struct completion    irq_completion;
>>> This doesn't seem to be aligned correctly and the hw_rev line
>>> doesn't have to be changed.
>> I'm sorry for the alignment issues in the patch, I genuinely didn't notice
>> them as from the perspective of my primary editor (Visual Studio Code)
>> the entries were aligned. I just saw them when opening the files in
>> nano.
> No worries, it's just a small nit and quickly fixed after all! :)
>> Does fixing the alignment issues and the commit description justify a v3
>> of the patch or should the minor fixes go out as a "resend"? Just not sure
>> in this particular case as the fixes seem to be very minor ones.
> I'd send a v3. I've only used resend when e.g. my previous mail provider
> messed up and silently converted all my outgoing mails to HTML.

If you've modified the patches then it's not a "resend":


So yeah send a v3 in this case.


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