perf stat includes option to specify aggr_mode to display per-socket, per-core, per-die, per-node counter details. Also there is option -A ( AGGR_NONE, -no-aggr ), where the counter values are displayed for each cpu along with "CPU" value in one field of the output.
Each of the aggregate mode uses the information fetched from "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/topology" like core_id, physical_package_id. Utility functions in "cpumap.c" fetches this information and populates the socket id, core id, cpu etc. If the platform does not expose the topology information, these values will be set to -1. Example, in case of powerpc, details like physical_package_id is restricted to be exposed in pSeries platform. So id.socket, id.core, id.cpu all will be set as -1. In case of displaying socket or die value, there is no check done in the "aggr_printout" function to see if it points to valid socket id or die. But for displaying "cpu" value, there is a check for "if (id.core > -1)". In case of powerpc pSeries where detail like physical_package_id is restricted to be exposed, id.core will be set to -1. Hence the column or field itself for CPU won't be displayed in the output. Result for per-socket: <<>> perf stat -e branches --per-socket -a true Performance counter stats for 'system wide': S-1 32 416,851 branches <<>> Here S has -1 in above result. But with -A option which also expects CPU in one column in the result, below is observed. <<>> /bin/perf stat -e instructions -A -a true Performance counter stats for 'system wide': 47,146 instructions 45,226 instructions 43,354 instructions 45,184 instructions <<>> If the cpu id value is pointing to -1 also, it makes sense to display the column in the output to replicate the behaviour or to be in precedence with other aggr options(like per-socket, per-core). Remove the check "id.core" so that CPU field gets displayed in the output. After the fix: <<>> perf stat -e instructions -A -a true Performance counter stats for 'system wide': CPU-1 64,034 instructions CPU-1 68,941 instructions CPU-1 59,418 instructions CPU-1 70,478 instructions CPU-1 65,201 instructions CPU-1 63,704 instructions <<>> This is caught while running "perf test" for "" and "". Reported-by: Disha Goel <> Signed-off-by: Athira Rajeev <> --- tools/perf/util/stat-display.c | 6 ++---- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c b/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c index b82844cb0ce7..1b751a730271 100644 --- a/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c +++ b/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c @@ -168,10 +168,9 @@ static void aggr_printout(struct perf_stat_config *config, id.socket, id.die, id.core); - } else if (id.core > -1) { + } else fprintf(config->output, "\"cpu\" : \"%d\", ", id.cpu.cpu); - } } else { if (evsel->percore && !config->percore_show_thread) { fprintf(config->output, "S%d-D%d-C%*d%s", @@ -179,11 +178,10 @@ static void aggr_printout(struct perf_stat_config *config, id.die, config->csv_output ? 0 : -3, id.core, config->csv_sep); - } else if (id.core > -1) { + } else fprintf(config->output, "CPU%*d%s", config->csv_output ? 0 : -7, id.cpu.cpu, config->csv_sep); - } } break; case AGGR_THREAD: -- 2.31.1