
actually I'm the hardware designer ... :-) .... having trouble with software.

The outputs are open-drain and can be connected (wired-or) together.
Otherwise "shared irq" wouldn't be possible that easy.


Segher Boessenkool wrote:
interrupt-map = <0x5800 0 0 1 &ipic 0x30 0x8      -> FPGA @ IRQ0
                 0x6000 0 0 1 &ipic 0x11 0x8      -> miniPCI INTA @ IRQ1
                 0x6000 0 0 2 &ipic 0x11 0x8>;    -> miniPCI INTB @ IRQ1

Is it legal to use a single irq pin twice ?

The device tree simply describes the hardware; if the hardware
connects both INTXs to the same IPIC interrupt pin, then it is
correct.  You'll have to ask a hardware designer whether it is
okay to just tie the two lines together; I believe it is, for
PCI, but you better ask someone who really knows :-)


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