Hi Laurent,

Laurent Dufour <lduf...@linux.ibm.com> writes:
> +/*
> + * PAPR defines, in section "7.3.16 System Parameters Option", the token 55 
> to
> + * read the LPAR name.
> + */
> +#define SPLPAR_LPAR_NAME_TOKEN       55
> +static void read_lpar_name(struct seq_file *m)
> +{
> +     int rc, len, token;
> +     union {
> +             char raw_buffer[RTAS_DATA_BUF_SIZE];
> +             struct {
> +                     __be16 len;


> +                     char name[RTAS_DATA_BUF_SIZE-2];

should be 4000, not (4K - 2), according to PAPR (it's weird and I don't
know the reason).

> +             };
> +     } *local_buffer;
> +
> +     token = rtas_token("ibm,get-system-parameter");
> +     if (token == RTAS_UNKNOWN_SERVICE)
> +             return;
> +
> +     local_buffer = kmalloc(sizeof(*local_buffer), GFP_KERNEL);
> +     if (!local_buffer)
> +             return;
> +
> +     do {
> +             spin_lock(&rtas_data_buf_lock);
> +             memset(rtas_data_buf, 0, RTAS_DATA_BUF_SIZE);
> +             rc = rtas_call(token, 3, 1, NULL, SPLPAR_LPAR_NAME_TOKEN,
> +                            __pa(rtas_data_buf), RTAS_DATA_BUF_SIZE);
> +             if (!rc)
> +                     memcpy(local_buffer->raw_buffer, rtas_data_buf,
> +                            RTAS_DATA_BUF_SIZE);
> +             spin_unlock(&rtas_data_buf_lock);
> +     } while (rtas_busy_delay(rc));
> +
> +     if (rc != 0) {
> +             pr_err_once(
> +                     "%s %s Error calling get-system-parameter (0x%x)\n",
> +                     __FILE__, __func__, rc);

The __FILE__ and __func__ in the message seem unnecessary, and rc should
be reported in decimal so the error meaning is apparent.

Is there a reasonable fallback for VMs where this parameter doesn't
exist? PowerVM partitions should always have it, but what do we want the
behavior to be on other hypervisors?

> +     } else {
> +             /* Force end of string */
> +             len = be16_to_cpu(local_buffer->len);
> +             if (len >= (RTAS_DATA_BUF_SIZE-2))
> +                     len = RTAS_DATA_BUF_SIZE-2;

Could use min() or clamp(), and it would be better to build the
expression using the value of sizeof(local_buffer->name).

> +             local_buffer->name[len] = '\0';

If 'len' can be (RTAS_DATA_BUF_SIZE - 2), then this writes past the end
of the buffer, no?

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