Le Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 11:39:27PM +0200, Emmanuel Gil Peyrot a écrit :
> This engine implements AES in CBC mode, using 128-bit keys only.  It is
> present on both the Wii and the Wii U, and is apparently identical in
> both consoles.
> The hardware is capable of firing an interrupt when the operation is
> done, but this driver currently uses a busy loop, I’m not too sure
> whether it would be preferable to switch, nor how to achieve that.
> It also supports a mode where no operation is done, and thus could be
> used as a DMA copy engine, but I don’t know how to expose that to the
> kernel or whether it would even be useful.
> In my testing, on a Wii U, this driver reaches 80.7 MiB/s, while the
> aes-generic driver only reaches 30.9 MiB/s, so it is a quite welcome
> speedup.
> This driver was written based on reversed documentation, see:
> https://wiibrew.org/wiki/Hardware/AES
> Signed-off-by: Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkma...@linkmauve.fr>
> Tested-by: Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkma...@linkmauve.fr>  # on Wii U


> +static int
> +do_crypt(const void *src, void *dst, u32 len, u32 flags)
> +{
> +     u32 blocks = ((len >> 4) - 1) & AES_CTRL_BLOCK;
> +     u32 status;
> +     u32 counter = OP_TIMEOUT;
> +     u32 i;
> +
> +     /* Flush out all of src, we can’t know whether any of it is in cache */
> +     for (i = 0; i < len; i += 32)
> +             __asm__("dcbf 0, %0" : : "r" (src + i));
> +     __asm__("sync" : : : "memory");
> +
> +     /* Set the addresses for DMA */
> +     iowrite32be(virt_to_phys((void *)src), base + AES_SRC);
> +     iowrite32be(virt_to_phys(dst), base + AES_DEST);


Since you do DMA operation, I think you should use the DMA-API and call 
This will prevent the use of __asm__ and virt_to_phys().


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