On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:00:33 -0500
Kumar Gala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jun 13, 2008, at 10:36 AM, Christian Krafft wrote:
> > This patch is needed to make ipmi_poweroff working on powerpc.
> > It straightens the poweroff procedure to match with other  
> > architectures.
> > At the moment powerpc plattforms can define their poweroff method  
> > using
> > ppc_md.power_off. The only way for plattform independent driver  
> > (ipmi_poweroff)
> > to register it's poweroff function is to use pm_power_off. So  
> > machine_power_off
> > should check whether pm_power_off has been set and if so it should  
> > be used.
> > If not, plattform dependent ppc_md.power_off should be called.
> It seems like this should be the other way around.  Meaning  
> ppc_md.power_off should be called first than pm_power_off.  If a  
> platform provides a power off mechanism that should presuming take  
> precedence over the ipmi_poweroff.
> - k

I'd see the pm_power_off as an option to override platform specific poweroff
function. If you want to use ppc_md.power_off you simply don't need to load
ipmi_poweroff module. Also it would not be possible to use ipmi_poweroff
on plattforms that provide a ppc_md.power_off. 

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
kind regards,

Christian Krafft
IBM Systems & Technology Group,
Linux Kernel Development
IT Specialist

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