On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 12:07:23PM +0530, Kajol Jain wrote: > Fixed the eventcode values in the power10 json event files to append > "0x" since these are hexadecimal values. > Patch also changes event description of PM_EXEC_STALL_LOAD_FINISH and > PM_EXEC_STALL_NTC_FLUSH event and move some events to correct files. > > Fixes: 32daa5d7899e ("perf vendor events: Initial JSON/events list for > power10 platform") > Signed-off-by: Kajol Jain <kj...@linux.ibm.com>
I checked that everything that was "removed" was actually just moved somewhere else, that all the added EventCodes indeed had '0x', the number of EventCodes added matched the number removed, and that the additional text added seemed reasonable. LGTM. Reviewed-by: Paul A. Clarke <p...@us.ibm.com>