On 19 May 2021 at 09:57 am, Nicholas Piggin wrote:
Excerpts from Christian Zigotzky's message of May 17, 2021 7:42 pm:
On 17 May 2021 at 09:42am, Nicholas Piggin wrote:
Excerpts from Christian Zigotzky's message of May 15, 2021 11:46 pm:
I tried it but it doesn't solve the issue. The uImage works without KVM
HV in a virtual e5500 QEMU machine.
Any more progress with this? I would say that bisect might have just
been a bit unstable and maybe by chance some things did not crash so
it's pointing to the wrong patch.

Upstream merge of powerpc-5.13-1 was good and powerpc-5.13-2 was bad?

Between that looks like some KVM MMU rework. You could try the patch
before this one b1c5356e873c ("KVM: PPC: Convert to the gfn-based MMU
notifier callbacks"). That won't revert cleanly so just try run the
tree at that point. If it works, test the patch and see if it fails.

Hi Nick,

Thanks a lot for your answer. Yes, there is a little bit of progress.
The RC2 of kernel 5.13 successfully boots with -smp 3 in a virtual e5500
QEMU machine.
-smp 4 doesn't work anymore since the PowerPC updates 5.13-2. I used
-smp 4 before 5.13 because my FSL P5040 machine has 4 cores.

Could you please post a patch for reverting the commit before
b1c5356e873c ("KVM: PPC: Convert to the gfn-based MMU notifier callbacks")?
You could `git checkout b1c5356e873c~1`

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your answer. I checked out the commit b1c5356e873c~1 (HEAD is now at d923ff258423 KVM: MIPS/MMU: Convert to the gfn-based MMU notifier callbacks).
The kernel boots with '-smp 4' without any problems.
After that I patched with the probable first bad commit (KVM: PPC: Convert to the gfn-based MMU notifier callbacks). The kernel also boots with this patch. That means, this isn't the first bad commit. Further information: https://forum.hyperion-entertainment.com/viewtopic.php?p=53267#p53267


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