
  I'm really sorry if this message disturb anybody, however..

10th Real-Time Linux Workshop

October 29 November 1, 2008 University of Guadalajara Centro
del Norte Carretera Federal # 23 Km 191, C.P. 46200 Colotl醤, Jalisco,

   Following the meetings of developers and users at the previous 9
   successful real-time Linux workshops held in Vienna, Orlando, Milano,
   Boston, and Valencia, Singapur, Lille, Lanzhou, and Linz the
   Linux Workshop for 2008 will come to Mexico.

                              CALL FOR PAPERS


   Following the meetings of developers and users at the previous 9
   successful real-time Linux workshops, the Real Time Linux Workshop
   2008 will come to Mexico, to be held at the Centro Universitario del
   Norte, University of Guadalajara.

   Embedded and real-time Linux is continuously growing player in the
   embedded appliance market world wide notably initiatives in the
   industrial world have been moving embedded and real-time linux into
   automation/control safety related applications and into industrial
   applications with high security demands alongside typical control
   capabilities. Embedded systems in automation/control, measurement and
   robotics have been continuously moving towards 32bit systems, opening
   the door for the use of full featured OS like GNU/Linux on COTS based
   systems. With real-time capabilities being a common demand for
   embedded systems the soft and hard real-time variants are an
   extension to the versatile GNU/Linux GPOS.

   Authors are invited to submit original work dealing with general
   topics related to real-time Linux research, experiments and case
   studies, as well as issues of integration of real-time and embedded
   Linux. A special focus will be on industrial applications and safety
   related systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   * Real-time programming models and methods in mainstream-Linux

   * Modifications and variants of the GNU/Linux operating system

   it's real-time capabilities

   * Contributions to real-time Linux variants, drivers and extensions.
   * User-mode real-time concepts, implementation and experience
   * Real-time Linux applications, in academia, research and industry
   * Real-time Linux in measurement and data-acquisition systems
   * Linux/real-time Linux in safety-related systems
   * Signal processing with Linux/real-time Linux.
   * Work in progress reports, covering recent developments
   * Educational material on real-time Linux.
   * Tools for embedding Linux or real-time Linux and embedded
     Linux applications
   * RTOS core concepts, RT-safe synchronization mechanisms
   * Analysis and Benchmarking methods and results of real-time
   * Debugging techniques and tools, both for code and temporal
     of core RTOS components, drivers and real-time applications
   * Real-time related extensions to development environments


   In  order  to  participate  to  the  workshop,  please register on
   Registration Page at:


   Colotl醤, Jalisco

   Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario del Norte


   There  are  three main Hotels in Colotl醤 and some other smaller
   Due  to  the lack of English speakers at these Hotels, and the
   space,   reservations  will  be  handled  through  the  University
   Guadalajara  staff.  We  will need a copy of your airline
   faxed or emailed in order to complete the reservation. The prices
   be  under  30  Euros  per  night.  We  will also try to find
   accommodations for students. More information coming soon.

Important dates

 August 15, 2008 Abstract submission
 September 5, 2008 Notification of acceptance
 October 1, 2008 Final paper
 October 29 - November 1 Workshop

Organization committee:

* Dr. Donald W. CARR (MEXICO)
* I.C. Alejandro Lopez RODRIGUEZ (MEXICO)
* Ing. Oscar Perez MORA (MEXICO)
* Prof. Nicholas MCGUIRE , (LZU, CHINA)

Program committee:

   PhD. Apolinar Gonzalez, University of Colima (MEXICO)
   Ernesto  Pablo  Corona  Alcala,  Freescale  Semiconductor
Guadalajara (MEXICO)
   MSI  Jorge  Gutierrez,  Tata Consultancy Services, Guadalajara
Jalisco (MEXICO)
   PhD.  Carlos Eduardo Pereira, University Federal do Rio Grande do
   PhD. Alvaro Rendon Gallon, University of Cauca (COLOMBIA)
   PhD Francisco Torres, Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica (COSTA
   MsC Diego Mart韓ez Castro, University Autonoma de Occidente
   Ernesto  Pablo  Corona  Alcala,  Freescale  Semiconductor
Guadalajara (MEXICO)
   MSI Jorge Gutierrez, Tata Consultancy Services, Guadalajara (MEXICO)
   Prof.   Herman  Haertig,  Technische  Universitaet  Dresden
Operating Systems Group (GERMANY)
   Prof. Ismael Ripoll, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia (SPAIN)
   Prof. Alfons Crespo, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia (SPAIN)
   Prof. Matthias Sturm, University of Leibzig (GERMANY)
   Thomas Gleixner, Linutronix - X86 maintainer (GERMANY)
   Jonathan Corbet , Linux Weekly News, lwn.net (USA)
   Michael Rumpler, Thales RSS, Thales (AUSTRIA)
   Klaus Reichl, Thales RSS, Thales (AUSTRIA)
   Dr. Chen Maoke, Tsinghua University (CHINA)
   Matthias Gorjup, Norik Sistemi (SLOVENIA)
   Andreas   Gaerstinger,   Institute  of  Computer  Technology,
   Prof.  Ahmet  Onat  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Faculty  of  Engineering
and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Orhanli, (TURKEY)
   Stefan Rothbauer, Corporate Technology,Siemens AG (GERMANY)
   Stueckjuergen, Christoph, Corporate Technology,Siemens AG (GERMANY)
   Prof.   Paolo  Mantegazza,  Dipartimento  di  Ingegneria
Aerospaziale (ITALY)
   Prof. Bernhard Zagar, Johannes Kepler Universitt Linz (AUSTRIA)
   Prof.  Roberto  Bucher,  University  of  Applied  Sciences of
   Wenbo Chen, Network Centre, Lanzhou Unievrsity, (CHINA)
   Fuxin Zhang, Lemote Tech Co. Ltd, (CHINA)
   Yu Chen, Department of Computer Science,Tsinghua University, (CHINA)
   Hongan Wang, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
   Ing. Philippe Gerum (ADEOS Maintainer, Xenomai, FRANCE)
   Dr. Peter Wurmsdobler, RTLF, Real Time Linux Foundation (USA)
   Dr.  Qingguo Zhou, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab (DSLab),
Lanzhou University (CHINA)
   Prof.  Nicholas  Mc Guire, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab
(DSLab), Lanzhou University (CHINA)

Workshop organizers:

   * Centro Universitario del Norte 
   * Real-Time Linux Foundation Inc. USA
   * School for Information Science and Engineering (SISE), University
   Lanzhou China http://www.lzu.edu.cn
   * Distributed and Embedded Systems Lab, University of Lanzhou,

Wang, Baojun                                                Lanzhou University
Distributed & Embedded System Lab                      http://dslab.lzu.edu.cn
School of Information Science and Engeneering          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tianshui South Road 222. Lanzhou 730000                             .P.R.China
Tel: +86-931-8912025                                      Fax: +86-931-8912022

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