On 23/06/2020 04:59, Leonardo Bras wrote:
> Hello Alexey, thanks for the feedback!
> On Mon, 2020-06-22 at 20:02 +1000, Alexey Kardashevskiy wrote:
>> On 19/06/2020 15:06, Leonardo Bras wrote:
>>> On LoPAR "DMA Window Manipulation Calls", it's recommended to remove the
>>> default DMA window for the device, before attempting to configure a DDW,
>>> in order to make the maximum resources available for the next DDW to be
>>> created.
>>> This is a requirement for some devices to use DDW, given they only
>>> allow one DMA window.
>>> If setting up a new DDW fails anywhere after the removal of this
>>> default DMA window, restore it using reset_dma_window.
>> Nah... If we do it like this, then under pHyp we lose 32bit DMA for good
>> as pHyp can only create a single window and it has to map at
>> 0x800.0000.0000.0000. They probably do not care though.
>> Under KVM, this will fail as VFIO allows creating  2 windows and it
>> starts from 0 but the existing iommu_bypass_supported_pSeriesLP() treats
>> the window address == 0 as a failure. And we want to keep both DMA
>> windows for PCI adapters with both 64bit and 32bit PCI functions (I
>> heard AMD GPU video + audio are like this) or someone could hotplug
>> 32bit DMA device on a vphb with already present 64bit DMA window so we
>> do not remove the default window.
> Well, then I would suggest doing something like this:
>       query_ddw(...);
>       if (query.windows_available == 0){
>               remove_dma_window(...,default_win);
>               query_ddw(...);
>       }
> This would make sure to cover cases of windows available == 1
> and windows available > 1; 

Is "1" what pHyp returns on query? And was it always like that? Then it
is probably ok. I just never really explored the idea of removing the
default window as we did not have to.

>> The last discussed thing I remember was that there was supposed to be a
>> new bit in "ibm,architecture-vec-5" (forgot the details), we could use
>> that to decide whether to keep the default window or not, like this.
> I checked on the latest LoPAR draft (soon to be published), for the
> ibm,architecture-vec 'option array 5' and this entry was the only
> recently added one that is related to this patchset:
> Byte 8 - Bit 0:
> SRIOV Virtual Functions Support Dynamic DMA Windows (DDW):
> 0: SRIOV Virtual Functions do not support DDW
> 1: SRIOV Virtual Functions do support DDW
> Isn't this equivalent to having a "ibm,ddw-applicable" property?

I am not sure, is there anything else to this new bit? I'd think if the
client supports it, then pHyp will create one 64bit window per a PE and
DDW API won't be needed. Thanks,

>>> Signed-off-by: Leonardo Bras <leobra...@gmail.com>
>>> ---
>>>  arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/iommu.c | 20 +++++++++++++++++---
>>>  1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/iommu.c 
>>> b/arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/iommu.c
>>> index de633f6ae093..68d1ea957ac7 100644
>>> --- a/arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/iommu.c
>>> +++ b/arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/iommu.c
>>> @@ -1074,8 +1074,9 @@ static u64 enable_ddw(struct pci_dev *dev, struct 
>>> device_node *pdn)
>>>     u64 dma_addr, max_addr;
>>>     struct device_node *dn;
>>>     u32 ddw_avail[3];
>>> +
>>>     struct direct_window *window;
>>> -   struct property *win64;
>>> +   struct property *win64, *dfl_win;
>> Make it "default_win" or "def_win", "dfl" hurts to read :)
> Sure, no problem :)
>>>     struct dynamic_dma_window_prop *ddwprop;
>>>     struct failed_ddw_pdn *fpdn;
>>> @@ -1110,8 +1111,19 @@ static u64 enable_ddw(struct pci_dev *dev, struct 
>>> device_node *pdn)
>>>     if (ret)
>>>             goto out_failed;
>>> -       /*
>>> -    * Query if there is a second window of size to map the
>>> +   /*
>>> +    * First step of setting up DDW is removing the default DMA window,
>>> +    * if it's present. It will make all the resources available to the
>>> +    * new DDW window.
>>> +    * If anything fails after this, we need to restore it.
>>> +    */
>>> +
>>> +   dfl_win = of_find_property(pdn, "ibm,dma-window", NULL);
>>> +   if (dfl_win)
>>> +           remove_dma_window(pdn, ddw_avail, dfl_win);
>> Before doing so, you want to make sure that the "reset" is actually
>> supported. Thanks,
> Good catch, I will improve that.
>>> +
>>> +   /*
>>> +    * Query if there is a window of size to map the
>>>      * whole partition.  Query returns number of windows, largest
>>>      * block assigned to PE (partition endpoint), and two bitmasks
>>>      * of page sizes: supported and supported for migrate-dma.
>>> @@ -1219,6 +1231,8 @@ static u64 enable_ddw(struct pci_dev *dev, struct 
>>> device_node *pdn)
>>>     kfree(win64);
>>>  out_failed:
>>> +   if (dfl_win)
>>> +           reset_dma_window(dev, pdn);
>>>     fpdn = kzalloc(sizeof(*fpdn), GFP_KERNEL);
>>>     if (!fpdn)
> Best regards,
> Leonardo


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