+The STATS_FS_HIDDEN attribute won't affect the aggregation, it will only
+block the creation of the files.
Why does HIDDEN block the creation of files? instead of their visibility?
The file itself is used to allow the user to view the content of a
value. In order to make it hidden, the framework just doesn't create the
The structure is still present and considered in statsfs, however.
Hidden in this case means not visible at all thus not created, not the
hidden file concept of dotted files (".filename")
+Add values to parent and child (also here order doesn't matter)::
+ struct kvm *base_ptr = kmalloc(..., sizeof(struct kvm));
+ ...
+ stats_fs_source_add_values(child_source, kvm_stats, base_ptr, 0);
+ stats_fs_source_add_values(parent_source, kvm_stats, NULL,
+``child_source`` will be a simple value, since it has a non-NULL base
+pointer, while ``parent_source`` will be an aggregate. During the adding
+phase, also values can optionally be marked as hidden, so that the folder
+and other values can be still shown.
+Of course the same ``struct stats_fs_value`` array can be also passed with a
+different base pointer, to represent the same value but in another instance
+of the kvm struct.
+Fetch a value from the child source, returning the value
+pointed by ``(uint64_t *) base_ptr + kvm_stats[0].offset``::
+ uint64_t ret_child, ret_parent;
+ stats_fs_source_get_value(child_source, &kvm_stats[0], &ret_child);
+Fetch an aggregate value, searching all subsources of ``parent_source`` for
+the specified ``struct stats_fs_value``::
+ stats_fs_source_get_value(parent_source, &kvm_stats[0], &ret_parent);
+ assert(ret_child == ret_parent); // check expected result
+To make it more interesting, add another child::
+ struct stats_fs_source child_source2 = stats_fs_source_create(0,
+ stats_fs_source_add_subordinate(parent_source, child_source2);
+ // now the structure is parent -> child1
+ // -> child2
Is that the same as parent -> child1 -> child2
? It could almost be read as
parent -> child1
parent -> child2
No the example in the documentation shows the relationship
parent -> child1 and
parent -> child2.
It's not the same as
parent -> child1 -> child2.
In order to do the latter, one would need to do:
stats_fs_source_add_subordinate(parent_source, child_source1);
stats_fs_source_add_subordinate(child_source1, child_source2);
Hope that this clarifies it.
Whichever it is, can you make it more explicit, please?
+ struct kvm *other_base_ptr = kmalloc(..., sizeof(struct kvm));
+ ...
+ stats_fs_source_add_values(child_source2, kvm_stats, other_base_ptr,
+Note that other_base_ptr points to another instance of kvm, so the struct
+stats_fs_value is the same but the address at which they point is not.
+Now get the aggregate value::
+ uint64_t ret_child, ret_child2, ret_parent;
+ stats_fs_source_get_value(child_source, &kvm_stats[0], &ret_child);
+ stats_fs_source_get_value(parent_source, &kvm_stats[0], &ret_parent);
+ stats_fs_source_get_value(child_source2, &kvm_stats[0], &ret_child2);
+ assert((ret_child + ret_child2) == ret_parent);
+ stats_fs_source_remove_subordinate(parent_source, child_source);
+ stats_fs_source_revoke(child_source);
+ stats_fs_source_put(child_source);
+ stats_fs_source_remove_subordinate(parent_source, child_source2);
+ stats_fs_source_revoke(child_source2);
+ stats_fs_source_put(child_source2);
+ stats_fs_source_put(parent_source);
+ kfree(other_base_ptr);
+ kfree(base_ptr);
+Calling stats_fs_source_revoke is very important, because it will ensure
+that stats_fs will not access the data that were passed to
+stats_fs_source_add_value for this source.
+Because open files increase the reference count for a stats_fs_source, the
+source can end up living longer than the data that provides the values for
+the source. Calling stats_fs_source_revoke just before the backing data
+is freed avoids accesses to freed data structures. The sources will return
+This is not needed for the parent_source, since it just contains
+aggregates that would be 0 anyways if no matching child value exist.
+API Documentation
+.. kernel-doc:: include/linux/stats_fs.h
+ :export: fs/stats_fs/*.c
\ No newline at end of file
Please fix that. ^^^^^
Thanks for the documentation.
Thank you for the feedback,