On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 11:32 +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> > X is doing a mmap of /dev/mem instead of /dev/fb ?
> > 
> > You can normally map the fb mapping /dev/fb and then map the
> registers
> > using /dev/fb at an offset beyond the framebuffer (fix->smem_len).
> > 
> > If X is using /dev/mem instead, then it's being stupid and needs to
> be
> > fixed...
> It's up to the driver, and again, the current radeon driver doesn't
> use
> radeonfb at all anymore...

Right. And I'm happy to go fix what remains, don't get me wrong here :-)
We all know how stupid legacy code can be !

I'll try to get some patches to expose a new version of the structure
sometimes in the upcoming week or two (we'll see what time permits) and
then see about fixing X drivers that need fixing, though hopefully with
pci-rework being upstream now, that shouldn't be many.

The main issue is directfb. I hope they'll catch up with the new ioctls.


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