On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 02:39:37PM +0800, Shengjiu Wang wrote:
> EASRC (Enhanced Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter) is a new IP module
> found on i.MX8MN. It is different with old ASRC module.
> The primary features for the EASRC are as follows:
> - 4 Contexts - groups of channels with an independent time base
> - Fully independent and concurrent context control
> - Simultaneous processing of up to 32 audio channels
> - Programmable filter charachteristics for each context
> - 32, 24, 20, and 16-bit fixed point audio sample support
> - 32-bit floating point audio sample support
> - 8kHz to 384kHz sample rate
> - 1/16 to 8x sample rate conversion ratio
> Signed-off-by: Shengjiu Wang <shengjiu.w...@nxp.com>
> ---
>  sound/soc/fsl/Kconfig           |   10 +
>  sound/soc/fsl/Makefile          |    2 +
>  sound/soc/fsl/fsl_asrc_common.h |    1 +
>  sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc.c       | 2265 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc.h       |  668 +++++++++
>  sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc_dma.c   |  440 ++++++

I see a 90% similarity between fsl_asrc_dma and fsl_easrc_dma files.
Would it be possible reuse the existing code? Could share structures
from my point of view, just like it reuses "enum asrc_pair_index", I
know differentiating "pair" and "context" is a big point here though.

A possible quick solution for that, off the top of my head, could be:

1) in fsl_asrc_common.h

        struct fsl_asrc {

        struct fsl_asrc_pair {

2) in fsl_easrc.h

        /* Renaming shared structures */
        #define fsl_easrc fsl_asrc
        #define fsl_easrc_context fsl_asrc_pair

May be a good idea to see if others have some opinion too.

> diff --git a/sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc.c b/sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..6fe2953317f2
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc.c
> +
> +/* set_rs_ratio
> + *
> + * According to the resample taps, calculate the resample ratio
> + */
> +static int set_rs_ratio(struct fsl_easrc_context *ctx)

"fsl_easrc_" prefix? Would be nice to have a formula in the comments.

> +/* resets the pointer of the coeff memory pointers */
> +static int fsl_coeff_mem_ptr_reset(struct fsl_easrc *easrc,
> +                                unsigned int ctx_id, int mem_type)
> +{
> +     /*  To reset the write pointer back to zero, the register field
> +      *  ASRC_CTX_CTRL_EXT1x[PF_COEFF_MEM_RST] can be toggled from
> +      *  0x0 to 0x1 to 0x0.
> +      */

Please use the style:
         * xxx

> +static int fsl_easrc_resampler_config(struct fsl_easrc *easrc)
> +{
> +     for (i = 0; i < hdr->interp_scen; i++) {
> +             if ((interp[i].num_taps - 1) ==
> +                             bits_taps_to_val(easrc->rs_num_taps)) {

Could do below to save some indentations from the rest of the routine:
+               if ((interp[i].num_taps - 1) !=
+                   bits_taps_to_val(easrc->rs_num_taps))
+                       continue;

> +                     arr = interp[i].coeff;
> +                     selected_interp = &interp[i];
> +                     dev_dbg(dev, "Selected interp_filter: %u taps - %u 
> phases\n",
> +                             selected_interp->num_taps,
> +                             selected_interp->num_phases);
> +                     break;

> +/*****************************************************************************
> + *  Scale filter coefficients (64 bits float)
> + *  For input float32 normalized range (1.0,-1.0) -> output int[16,24,32]:
> + *      scale it by multiplying filter coefficients by 2^31
> + *  For input int[16, 24, 32] -> output float32
> + *      scale it by multiplying filter coefficients by 2^-15, 2^-23, 2^-31
> + *  input:
> + *      easrc:  Structure pointer of fsl_easrc
> + *      infilter : Pointer to non-scaled input filter
> + *      shift:  The multiply factor
> + *  output:
> + *      outfilter: scaled filter
> + 
> *****************************************************************************/
> +static int NormalizedFilterForFloat32InIntOut(struct fsl_easrc *easrc,
> +                                           u64 *infilter,
> +                                           u64 *outfilter,
> +                                           int shift)

Coding style looks very different, at comments and function naming.

> +{
> +     struct device *dev = &easrc->pdev->dev;
> +     u64 coef = *infilter;
> +     s64 exp  = (coef & 0x7ff0000000000000ll) >> 52;
> +     u64 outcoef;
> +
> +     /*
> +      * If exponent is zero (value == 0), or 7ff (value == NaNs)
> +      * dont touch the content
> +      */
> +     if (((coef & 0x7ff0000000000000ll) == 0) ||
> +         ((coef & 0x7ff0000000000000ll) == ((u64)0x7ff << 52))) {
> +             *outfilter = coef;
> +     } else {
> +             if ((shift > 0 && (shift + exp) >= 2047) ||
> +                 (shift < 0 && (exp + shift) <= 0)) {
> +                     dev_err(dev, "coef error\n");
> +                     return -EINVAL;
> +             }
> +
> +             /* coefficient * 2^shift ==>  coefficient_exp + shift */
> +             exp += shift;
> +             outcoef = (u64)(coef & 0x800FFFFFFFFFFFFFll) +
> +                                     ((u64)exp << 52);
> +             *outfilter = outcoef;
> +     }
> +
> +     return 0;
> +}
> +
> +static int write_pf_coeff_mem(struct fsl_easrc *easrc, int ctx_id,
> +                           u64 *arr, int n_taps, int shift)

Function naming.

> +static int fsl_easrc_prefilter_config(struct fsl_easrc *easrc,
> +                                   unsigned int ctx_id)
> +{
> +     struct fsl_easrc_context *ctx;
> +     struct asrc_firmware_hdr *hdr;
> +     struct prefil_params *prefil, *selected_prefil = NULL;
> +     struct device *dev;
> +     u32 inrate, outrate, offset = 0;
> +     int ret, i;
> +
> +     /* to modify prefilter coeficients, the user must perform
> +      * a write in ASRC_PRE_COEFF_FIFO[COEFF_DATA] while the
> +      * RUN_EN for that context is set to 0
> +      */
> +     if (!easrc)
> +             return -ENODEV;

Hmm..I don't see the relationship between the comments and the code.

> +     if (ctx->out_params.sample_rate >= ctx->in_params.sample_rate) {
> +             if (ctx->out_params.sample_rate == ctx->in_params.sample_rate)
> +                     regmap_update_bits(easrc->regmap,
> +                                        REG_EASRC_CCE1(ctx_id),
> +                                        EASRC_CCE1_RS_BYPASS_MASK,
> +                                        EASRC_CCE1_RS_BYPASS);
> +
> +             if (ctx->in_params.sample_format == SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_LE &&
> +                 ctx->out_params.sample_format != SNDRV_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_LE) 
> {
> +                     ctx->st1_num_taps = 1;
> +                     ctx->st1_coeff    = &easrc->const_coeff;
> +                     ctx->st1_num_exp  = 1;
> +                     ctx->st2_num_taps = 0;
> +                     ctx->st1_addexp = 31;
> +             } else if (ctx->in_params.sample_format != 
> +                        ctx->out_params.sample_format == 
> +                     ctx->st1_num_taps = 1;
> +                     ctx->st1_coeff    = &easrc->const_coeff;
> +                     ctx->st1_num_exp  = 1;
> +                     ctx->st2_num_taps = 0;
> +                     ctx->st1_addexp -= ctx->in_params.fmt.addexp;
> +             } else {
> +                     ctx->st1_num_taps = 1;
> +                     ctx->st1_coeff    = &easrc->const_coeff;
> +                     ctx->st1_num_exp  = 1;
> +                     ctx->st2_num_taps = 0;

The first four lines of each path are completely duplicated. Probably
only needs to diff st1_addexp?

> +     } else {
> +             inrate = ctx->in_params.norm_rate;
> +             outrate = ctx->out_params.norm_rate;
> +
> +             hdr = easrc->firmware_hdr;
> +             prefil = easrc->prefil;
> +
> +             for (i = 0; i < hdr->prefil_scen; i++) {
> +                     if (inrate == prefil[i].insr && outrate == 
> prefil[i].outsr) {

Could do below to save indentations:
+                       if (inrate != prefil[i].insr ||
+                           outrate != prefil[i].outsr)
+                               continue;

> +             if (!selected_prefil) {
> +                     dev_err(dev, "Conversion from in ratio %u(%u) to out 
> ratio %u(%u) is not supported\n",
> +                             ctx->in_params.sample_rate,
> +                             inrate,
> +                             ctx->out_params.sample_rate, outrate);

Could fit into single lines:
+                               ctx->in_params.sample_rate, inrate,
+                               ctx->out_params.sample_rate, outrate);

> +static int fsl_easrc_config_one_slot(struct fsl_easrc_context *ctx,
> +                                  struct fsl_easrc_slot *slot,
> +                                  unsigned int slot_idx,
> +                                  unsigned int reg0,
> +                                  unsigned int reg1,
> +                                  unsigned int reg2,
> +                                  unsigned int reg3,
> +                                  unsigned int *req_channels,
> +                                  unsigned int *start_channel,
> +                                  unsigned int *avail_channel)

There could be some simplification for the parameters here:
1) slot_idx could be a part of struct fsl_easrc_slot?
2) reg0->reg3 could be a part of struct too, or use some macro
   calculating from slot_idx?

> +{
> +     struct fsl_easrc *easrc = ctx->easrc;
> +     int st1_chanxexp, st1_mem_alloc = 0, st2_mem_alloc = 0;
> +     unsigned int addr;
> +
> +     if (*req_channels <= *avail_channel) {
> +             slot->num_channel = *req_channels;
> +             slot->min_channel = *start_channel;
> +             slot->max_channel = *start_channel + *req_channels - 1;
> +             slot->ctx_index = ctx->index;
> +             slot->busy = true;
> +             *start_channel += *req_channels;
> +             *req_channels = 0;
> +     } else {
> +             slot->num_channel = *avail_channel;
> +             slot->min_channel = *start_channel;
> +             slot->max_channel = *start_channel + *avail_channel - 1;
> +             slot->ctx_index = ctx->index;
> +             slot->busy = true;
> +             *start_channel += *avail_channel;
> +             *req_channels -= *avail_channel;
> +     }

Could merge duplicated parts:
+       if (*req_channels <= *avail_channel) {
+               slot->num_channel = *req_channels;
+               *req_channels = 0;
+       } else {
+               slot->num_channel = *req_channels;
+               *req_channels -= *avail_channel;
+       };
+       slot->min_channel = *start_channel;
+       slot->max_channel = *start_channel + slot->num_channel - 1;
+       slot->ctx_index = ctx->index;
+       slot->busy = true;
+       *start_channel += slot->num_channel;

> +     if (ctx->st1_num_taps > 0) {
> +             if (ctx->st2_num_taps > 0)
> +                     st1_mem_alloc =
> +                             (ctx->st1_num_taps - 1) * slot->num_channel *
> +                             ctx->st1_num_exp + slot->num_channel;
> +             else
> +                     st1_mem_alloc = ctx->st1_num_taps * slot->num_channel;
> +
> +             slot->pf_mem_used = st1_mem_alloc;
> +             regmap_update_bits(easrc->regmap, reg2,
> +                                EASRC_DPCS0R2_ST1_MA_MASK,
> +                                EASRC_DPCS0R2_ST1_MA(st1_mem_alloc));
> +
> +             if (slot_idx == 1)
> +                     addr = 0x1800 - st1_mem_alloc;

Where is this 0x1800 coming from?

> +int fsl_easrc_start_context(struct fsl_easrc_context *ctx)
> +{
> +                        EASRC_CC_FWMDE_MASK,
> +                        EASRC_CC_FWMDE);

> +                        EASRC_COC_FWMDE_MASK,
> +                        EASRC_COC_FWMDE);

> +                        EASRC_CC_EN_MASK,
> +                        EASRC_CC_EN);

They could fit into single lines.

> +static const struct regmap_config fsl_easrc_regmap_config = {
> +     .readable_reg = fsl_easrc_readable_reg,
> +     .volatile_reg = fsl_easrc_volatile_reg,
> +     .writeable_reg = fsl_easrc_writeable_reg,

Can we use regmap_range and regmap_access_table?

> +void easrc_dump_firmware(struct fsl_easrc *easrc)


> +{
> +     dev_dbg(dev, "Firmware v%u dump:\n", firm->firmware_version);
> +     pr_debug("Num prefitler scenarios: %u\n", firm->prefil_scen);
> +     pr_debug("Num interpolation scenarios: %u\n", firm->interp_scen);
> +     pr_debug("\nInterpolation scenarios:\n");

dev_dbg vs. pr_debug?

> +int easrc_get_firmware(struct fsl_easrc *easrc)


> +static int fsl_easrc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
> +{
> +     /*Set default value*/

White space in the comments

> +     ret = of_property_read_u32(np, "fsl,asrc-rate",
> +                                &easrc->easrc_rate);

Could fit into one line.

> +     ret = of_property_read_u32(np, "fsl,asrc-width",
> +                                &width);


> +static int fsl_easrc_runtime_resume(struct device *dev)
> +{
> +}
> +#endif /*CONFIG_PM*/

White space in the comments

> diff --git a/sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc.h b/sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc.h
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..205f6ef3e1e3
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/sound/soc/fsl/fsl_easrc.h
> @@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
> +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
> +/*
> + * Copyright (C) 2019 NXP
> + */
> +
> +#ifndef _FSL_EASRC_H
> +#define _FSL_EASRC_H
> +
> +#include <sound/asound.h>
> +#include <linux/miscdevice.h>

For miscdevice...

> +/**
> + * fsl_easrc: EASRC private data
> + *
> + * @pdev: platform device pointer
> + * @regmap: regmap handler
> + * @dma_params_rx: DMA parameters for receive channel
> + * @dma_params_tx: DMA parameters for transmit channel
> + * @ctx:  context pointer
> + * @slot: slot setting
> + * @mem_clk: clock source to access register
> + * @firmware_hdr:  the header of firmware
> + * @interp: pointer to interpolation filter coeff
> + * @prefil: pointer to prefilter coeff
> + * @fw: firmware of coeff table
> + * @fw_name: firmware name
> + * @paddr: physical address to the base address of registers
> + * @rs_num_taps:  resample filter taps, 32, 64, or 128
> + * @bps_i2c958: bits per sample of iec958
> + * @chn_avail: available channels, maximum 32
> + * @lock: spin lock for resource protection
> + * @easrc_rate: default sample rate for ASoC Back-Ends
> + * @easrc_format: default sample format for ASoC Back-Ends
> + */
> +
> +struct fsl_easrc {
> +     struct platform_device *pdev;
> +     struct regmap *regmap;
> +     struct miscdevice easrc_miscdev;

This is not being described in the comments area nor used in the
driver. Should probably stay downstream, or be added later when
the downstream feature gets upstream.

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