On Sun, 2020-02-16 at 23:57 -0600, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 12:07:31PM +1100, Michael Neuling wrote:
> > On Thu, 2020-02-13 at 10:15 -0500, Gustavo Romero wrote:
> > > On P9 DD2.2 due to a CPU defect some TM instructions need to be emulated
> > > by
> > > KVM. This is handled at first by the hardware raising a softpatch
> > > interrupt
> > > when certain TM instructions that need KVM assistance are executed in the
> > > guest. Some TM instructions, although not defined in the Power ISA, might
> > > raise a softpatch interrupt. For instance, 'tresume.' instruction as
> > > defined in the ISA must have bit 31 set (1), but an instruction that
> > > matches 'tresume.' OP and XO opcodes but has bit 31 not set (0), like
> > > 0x7cfe9ddc, also raises a softpatch interrupt, for example, if a code
> > > like the following is executed in the guest it will raise a softpatch
> > > interrupt just like a 'tresume.' when the TM facility is enabled:
> > > 
> > > int main() { asm("tabort. 0; .long 0x7cfe9ddc;"); }
> > > and then treats the executed instruction as 'nop' whilst it should
> > > actually
> > > be treated as an illegal instruction since it's not defined by the ISA.
> > 
> > The ISA has this: 
> > 
> >    1.3.3 Reserved Fields, Reserved Values, and Reserved SPRs
> > 
> >    Reserved fields in instructions are ignored by the pro-
> >    cessor.
> > 
> > Hence the hardware will ignore reserved bits. For example executing your
> > little
> > program on P8 just exits normally with 0x7cfe9ddc being executed as a NOP.
> > 
> > Hence, we should NOP this, not generate an illegal.
> It is not a reserved bit.
> The IMC entry for it matches op1=011111 op2=1////01110 presumably, which
> catches all TM instructions and nothing else (bits 0..5 and bits 21..30).
> That does not look at bit 31, the softpatch handler has to deal with this.
> Some TM insns have bit 31 as 1 and some have it as /.  All instructions
> with a "." in the mnemonic have bit 31 is 1, all other have it reserved.
> The tables in appendices D, E, F show tend. and tsr. as having it
> reserved, which contradicts the individual instruction description (and
> does not make much sense).  (Only tcheck has /, everything else has 1;
> everything else has a mnemonic with a dot, and does write CR0 always).

Wow, interesting. 

P8 seems to be treating 31 as a reserved bit (with the table definition rather
than the individual instruction description). I'm inclined to match P8 even
though it's inconsistent with the dot mnemonic as you say.


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