Le 03/09/2019 à 07:23, Alastair D'Silva a écrit :
From: Alastair D'Silva <alast...@d-silva.org>

When calling flush_icache_range with a size >4GB, we were masking
off the upper 32 bits, so we would incorrectly flush a range smaller
than intended.

This patch replaces the 32 bit shifts with 64 bit ones, so that
the full size is accounted for.

Isn't there the same issue in arch/powerpc/kernel/vdso64/cacheflush.S ?


Signed-off-by: Alastair D'Silva <alast...@d-silva.org>
Cc: sta...@vger.kernel.org
  arch/powerpc/kernel/misc_64.S | 4 ++--
  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/misc_64.S b/arch/powerpc/kernel/misc_64.S
index b55a7b4cb543..9bc0aa9aeb65 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/misc_64.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/misc_64.S
        subf    r8,r6,r4                /* compute length */
        add     r8,r8,r5                /* ensure we get enough */
        lwz     r9,DCACHEL1LOGBLOCKSIZE(r10)    /* Get log-2 of cache block 
size */
-       srw.    r8,r8,r9                /* compute line count */
+       srd.    r8,r8,r9                /* compute line count */
        beqlr                           /* nothing to do? */
        mtctr   r8
  1:    dcbst   0,r6
        subf    r8,r6,r4                /* compute length */
        add     r8,r8,r5
        lwz     r9,ICACHEL1LOGBLOCKSIZE(r10)    /* Get log-2 of Icache block 
size */
-       srw.    r8,r8,r9                /* compute line count */
+       srd.    r8,r8,r9                /* compute line count */
        beqlr                           /* nothing to do? */
        mtctr   r8
  2:    icbi    0,r6

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