On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 09:38:36PM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I found that the IRQ lines assigned to different peripherals are
> completely wrong.
> My serial ports are connected to pin 9 and 10, but in this kernel the
> IRQs assigned are 16 and 17. 
These are virtual IRQ numbers, which have nothing to do with the IPIC IRQ

> On a little investigation I found that the base address assigned to the
> IPIC chip is '0xFDDFB700'

That's a virtual address returned from ioremap(), not the physical
address of the IPIC.

> Does this wrong assignment is due to the wrong base address of the IPIC
> chip?
> With IRQs 16 and 17, how the serial console is working fine?
> When I tried hard coding the IPIC base value to '0xfe000700' then the
> system refuses to boot up.

That might be a hint that things aren't as wrong as you think. :-)

> I kept the IPIC base as 0xfddfb700 and hard coded the irq lines for
> serial ports as 9 and 10
> and in that case the 'request_irq' call fails with the error number as
> '-38',
> which translates to '-ENOSYS'. 


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