> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linuxppc-dev [mailto:linuxppc-dev-
> bounces+madalin.bucur=nxp....@lists.ozlabs.org] On Behalf Of mad skateman
> Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 10:39 PM
> To: linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org
> Subject: DPAA Ethernet traffice troubles with Linux kernel
> Hi linux devs,
> Like mentioned in this thread
> https://lists.ozlabs.org/pipermail/linuxppc-dev/2018-January/167630.html
> i also experience the exact same issues.
> I am also trying to find out why the network traffic is not flowing
> the way it should (out for example ).
> My linux knowledge is very basic but i hope i can contribute anyway.
> I am using the AmigaOne X5000 with a P5020
> Most detailed technical information regarding this issue can be found
> in the Thread by Jamie Krueger mentioned above.
> In this screenshot, the ETH0 and ETH1 seem up and running (probed) ..
> even due to the FSL_DPAA_MAC error messages that DMESG shows.
> http://www.skateman.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Screenshot-at-2018-01-08-21_22_06_ETH_NIC_ERROR.png
> http://www.skateman.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Screenshot-at-2018-01-08-22_16_28.png
> I was able to use some tooling like ETHTOOL to adjust some settings
> and check if the interface responded. This all seems fine.
> Hope that someone can find a fix, so the Ethernet adapter can be used.
> Thanks!!


Please use text logs instead of pictures next time, it's easier to read.
The errors you see are related to missing MAC addresses for the unused
interfaces, you can ignore these are they are not relevant for the issue
you encounter. Normally the unused interfaces should have status disabled
in the device tree but there is not a big deal if they fail like that.
As I've advised Jamie on the other thread, please try to connect the device
back 2 back to a known good machine and determine what is broken - Rx/Tx?
Is there another software version that does work on these machines?


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