On Thu, 2017-08-17 at 01:06:47 UTC, Sam bobroff wrote:
> The tm-resched-dscr self test can, in some situations, run for
> several minutes before being successfully interrupted by the context
> switch it needs in order to perform the test. This often seems to
> occur when the test is being run in a virtual machine.
> Improve the test by running it under eat_cpu() to guarantee
> contention for the CPU and increase the chance of a context switch.
> In practice this seems to reduce the test time, in some cases, from
> more than two minutes to under a second.
> Also remove the "progress dots" so that if the test does run for a
> long time, it doesn't produce large amounts of unnecessary output.
> Signed-off-by: Sam Bobroff <sam.bobr...@au1.ibm.com>

Applied to powerpc next, thanks.



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