On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 10:04:05PM +1100, Michael Ellerman wrote:
> +livepatch_handler:
> +     CURRENT_THREAD_INFO(r12, r1)
> +     /* Put ctr in r12 for global entry and branch there */
> +     mfctr   r12
> +     bctrl
I like this piece. No need to fiddle out the return helper address.

> +     /*
> +      * Now we are returning from the patched function to the original
> +      * caller A. We are free to use r0 and r12, and we can use r2 until we
> +      * restore it.
> +      */
> +
> +     CURRENT_THREAD_INFO(r12, r1)
> +
> +     /* Save stack pointer into r0 */
> +     mr      r0, r1
> +
> +     ld      r1, TI_livepatch_sp(r12)
> +
> +     /* Check stack marker hasn't been trashed */
> +     lis     r2,  STACK_END_MAGIC@h
> +     ori     r2,  r2, STACK_END_MAGIC@l
> +     ld      r12, -8(r1)
> +1:   tdne    r12, r2
> +     EMIT_BUG_ENTRY 1b, __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1, 0

This however worries me a bit. Sure, in the end, a stack overflow is
a stack overflow, and if all the information does not fit there,
there's little you can do.

But wouldn't it be better to kmalloc that area and realloc in
klp_arch_set_pc when it's full? Maybe along with a warning message?
That way a live patched kernel will not run into stack size problems
any earlier than an unpatched kernel would.
Just a thought.

Anyway, patch 5+6

Reviewed-by: Torsten Duwe <d...@suse.de>


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