-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:00:09 -0800
> Von: "Siva Prasad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An: [EMAIL PROTECTED], linuxppc-dev@ozlabs.org
> Betreff: hangs after "Freeing unused kernel memory"

> Hi,
> This sounds like a familiar problem, but could not get answers in posts
> that came up in google search.
Yes, this is a familiar problem, at least for me. :-)

> My system hangs after printing the message "Freeing unused kernel
> memory". It should execute init after that, but not sure what exactly is
> happening. Appreciate if some one can throw few ideas to try out.
> Seems it is actually hanging when it makes the call "
> run_init_process(ramdisk_execute_command)" in init/main.c
On my machine it hangs after returning from kernel_execve()/do_execve(),
which is called by run_init_process("/sbin/init"). So the problem can be
almost anywhere. The problem appeared first on kernel 2.6.17. 2.6.16
worked fine on my machine.
I'm going to try out git-bisect on these two kernel revisions, now that I
figured out what people mean when they talk about bisecting. :-) I just
have to figure out how to merge my patches with every branch that is
checked out by git-bisect.


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