On Thu, Oct 18, 2007 at 12:49:54PM -0500, Milton Miller wrote:
> On Tue Oct 16 15:02:17 EST 2007, David Gibson wrote:
> >This very large patch incorporates a copy of dtc into the kernel
> >source, in arch/powerpc/boot/dtc-src.  This means that dtc is no
> >longer an external dependency to build kernels with configurations
> >which need a dtb file.
> >
> >Signed-off-by: David Gibson <david at gibson.dropbear.id.au>
> >
> >Too big for the list, full patch at
> >http://ozlabs.org/~dgibson/home/merge-dtc.patch+
> So split it up.   The obvious one is "here is the unique content, then 
> copy these files from dtc git" would have been better.
One obvious split is a patch solely containing the _shipped files.
And next patch the rest.

As Milton already pointed out you should build dtc in the
dtc directory (why the -src prefix??).
And the dtc specific Makefile looks like something from
the late 80'. Please drop all these ALLUPPERCASE variables
and accept a little bit of redundancy.
Then mere humans may be able to read the Makefile.

When you have done the above I would be happy to review the
kbuild bits.

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