We were developing with Linux 2.6.10 and a Planetcore boot loader,
however, recent work has us up and running with 2.6.23+ and U-boot
1.2.0.  However, we are now running into a few challenges regarding
the differences.

Our driver writer's code isn't functioning, but it was with 2.6.10 and
planet core.  The best I can tell is that the default interrupt
controller configuration isn't where it was in the planetcore/2.6.10

for example, let's look at enabling timer1 / interrupt number 12

simple description.
               timer1 {
                       name = "timer1";
                       compatible = "fsl,mpc8248_timer";
                       interrupts = <c 8>;
                       interrupt-parent = <&PIC>;

What should be done to consume the above description in the device
tree, program the SIU and configure the irq for request?  I'm looking
through the existing drivers to get a feel, but both the enets and the
uarts are overly complex for the simple task of enabling a timer, as
our driver code already works with the irq on other linux

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