On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 10:12:17AM -0700, Phil Terry wrote:
> Sorry guys, this is probably the wrong forum and I didn't mean to sound
> like I was trashing anyones efforts here. 

I don't think it was taken that way -- rather, we want to know what
hardware people are still using with recent kernels.  Greg KH's "offer"
was a bit over-idealistic; hacker-hours are a finite resource, and
there's not much point spending it on hardware which is primarily
installed in landfills. :-)

The offer seems to be founded on the assumption that the user base of a
given device among kernel hackers is proportional to the user base in the
general population, which is less likely to be true with embedded
hardware.  Thus, we need feedback on which hardware is being actively
developed on.

> But then I see comments from other people who I assume are in the same
> boat and the response is, "no one uses that. Theres no demand for it.
> We're dropping that" Its like when I go to a pub in England and ask for
> a pint of "mild" ale. "We don't serve that here, there's no demand for
> it." Huh, didn't I just demand it?

Yes, and if they found themselves repeating that answer on a regular
basis, they might decide to add a tap.  Again, non-finite resources. :-)

> So then I get worried, how do I know who's plan and schedule
> include/excludes my board/chip/issue?

You ask.

> Cheers
> Phil (who now has to drink American Beer.....)

Mmm... beer...

I just *hate* it when I have to drink a nice Rogue, Stone, Breckenridge,
Victory, etc. :-)

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