This patch series adds new updates and some fixes for DWC_usb31.

Changes in v4:
 - Correctly refer "databook" as "programming guide"
 - Document more detail about enabling of ESS periodic tx/rx threshold

Changes in v3:
 - Add "usb: dwc3: Check controller type before setting speed" to series

Changes in v2:
 - Add another patch to the series to increase mass_storage max_speed
 - Separate "usb: dwc3: ep0: Reset TRB counter for ep0 IN" from series
 - Separate "usb: dwc3: gadget: Set maxpacket size for ep0 IN" from series
 - Use msleep() instead of mdelay() for SoftReset PHY sync delay
 - Rename new USB31 macros from DWC3_USB31_* to DWC31_*
 - Rename device properties and replace '_' with '-'
 - Minor fixes in the commit messages

Thinh Nguyen (15):
  usb: dwc3: Add SoftReset PHY synchonization delay
  usb: core: urb: Check SSP isoc ep comp descriptor
  usb: dwc3: Update DWC_usb31 GTXFIFOSIZ reg fields
  usb: dwc3: Check IP revision for GTXFIFOSIZ
  usb: dwc3: Add DWC_usb31 GRXTHRCFG bit fields
  usb: dwc3: gadget: Check IP revision for GRXTHRCFG
  usb: dwc3: Add DWC_usb31 GTXTHRCFG reg fields
  usb: dwc3: Make TX/RX threshold configurable
  usb: dwc3: Check for ESS TX/RX threshold config
  usb: dwc3: Dump LSP and BMU debug info
  usb: dwc3: Track DWC_usb31 VERSIONTYPE
  usb: dwc3: Add disabling of start_transfer failure quirk
  usb: dwc3: Add workaround for isoc start transfer failure
  usb: dwc3: Check controller type before setting speed
  usb: gadget: mass_storage: Set max_speed to SSP

 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/usb/dwc3.txt |  19 +++
 drivers/usb/core/urb.c                         |   8 +
 drivers/usb/dwc3/core.c                        |  72 ++++++++-
 drivers/usb/dwc3/core.h                        |  53 +++++++
 drivers/usb/dwc3/debugfs.c                     |   5 +
 drivers/usb/dwc3/gadget.c                      | 205 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/mass_storage.c       |   2 +-
 7 files changed, 354 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)


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