Hi Peter

Good news.

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 2:35 PM, Michael Nazzareno Trimarchi
<mich...@amarulasolutions.com> wrote:
> Hi Peter
> On Mon, Dec 25, 2017 at 1:56 AM, Peter Chen <peter.c...@nxp.com> wrote:
>>> > On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 10:20 AM, Peter Chen <peter.c...@nxp.com> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > All USB registers, including USB transceiver, USB non-core, and USB 
>>> >>> > core.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I need to have some time to go to the platform again. It will be 
>>> >>> possible this
>>> weekend.
>>> >>> Have you any idea to restrict the debug apart register dump?
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >> I am afraid I don't have since imx25 is too old, I have little directly 
>>> >> experiences on
>>> it.
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > I have done some testing on top. I can not easily dump registers on
>>> > the 2.6.31. I have recompile the old kernel and re-instrumented it.
>>> > Well I don't find any important thing.
>>> >
>>> > The old kernel was using ehci_fsl.c basecode and the new one use
>>> > chipidea. Let's say that some changes are in USB_CTRL usbmisc
>>> > controller initialization but even play with those bits I did not find
>>> > any failure on that side. I will continue on difference. Hope that
>>> > some other have some idea ;).
>>> I have used a usb hardware tracer. What I can say that basically after the 
>>> reset the
>>> device try to go in HIGH SPEED mode but the controller can only manage full 
>>> speed
>>> even is an ehci.
>>> I have tried the errata to set PFSC bit but is even set from the dts if we 
>>> force the
>>> FULL SPEED mode.
> The big difference I found is the way that they schedule request in
> periodic schedule introduce
> by 3ca9aebac2ebb8f56d2d097636b8c568320a9f87 from v3.10

After reading all the code and check every registers. I discovered
that problem is before kernel
start. For now is a magic mistery. I need to check bootloader source
code. Old kernel and new kernel
works in old bootloader. I need to understand what is done in the
bootloader that make kernel not perfect working


> What I will try to do is to go to 3.18 that I know that already was
> not working. Revert couple of change
> in usb that make ehci registers register difference and test again
> This is the controller status after insert the key
> bus platform, device ci_hdrc.1
> EHCI Host Controller
> EHCI 1.00, rh state running
> structural params 0x00010011
> capability params 0x00000006
> status ce088 PPCE Async Periodic Recl FLR
> command 0010075 (park)=0 ithresh=1 IAAD Async Periodic period=512 RUN
> intrenable 37 IAA FATAL PCD ERR INT
> uframe 2f78
> port:1 status e1001805 112  STALL POWER sig=j PE CONNECT
> irq normal 572 err 0 iaa 202 (lost 0)
> complete 572 unlink 20
> In csv you can find capture from 2.6.x and 4.1x kernel. I have the dump
> of registers too but they just let me undestand about the periodic scheduling
> and a bit different init of USBMISC part
> Michael
>>> Michael
>> Michael, it may have some trick things for imx25, I highly recommend compare 
>> the registers
>> between work model and non-work model. You may use 'memtool' which at 
>> unit_tests folder
>> which should be in Freescale released rootfs to dump registers.
>> Peter

| Michael Nazzareno Trimarchi                     Amarula Solutions BV |
| COO  -  Founder                                      Cruquiuskade 47 |
| +31(0)851119172                                 Amsterdam 1018 AM NL |
|                  [`as] http://www.amarulasolutions.com               |
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