On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 04:14:23PM +0000, Michael Drake wrote:
> This adds a new way of dumping descriptors, which splits the knowledge
> of how to interpret descriptor data from the actual dumping. This has
> two advantages:
> 1. It is easy to add support for new descriptors, since they are now
>    simple definitions that resemble the tables in the USB specifications.
> 2. The code for dumping descriptors is common, so the output is easy to
>    keep consistent. It is also consistent and thorough in its handling
>    of insufficient descriptor data buffer, and junk data at the end of
>    a descriptor.
> UAC1 and UAC2 are converted to use the new mechanism, initial support
> for UAC3 is added.  Finally, support for the USB3 BOS Configuration
> Summary Descriptor is added.
> This was previously opened as a github pull request here:
>     https://github.com/gregkh/usbutils/pull/61

Overall this looks great, I only have a few minor formatting and other
procedural issues with the patches.  I'll respond to them individually
as to what could be fixed up for a resend.


greg k-h
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