
Arjav Parikh <parikharja...@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi Felipe,
> Hope you are doing good.
> Currently I am facing an bandwidth issue in dwc3 driver using ecm gadget
> with linux kernel version 4.4.
> Actually I am checking the USB 3.0 throughput using iperf between my
> embedded device having *ARMV7* processor and *Linux kernel version 4.4.60*
> and my laptop having *kernel version 4.4.0-101-generic*. When packets are
> transmitted from Embedded Device to PC then bandwidth of only *500 Mbps* is
> achieved but when packets are transmitted from PC to Embedded device then 
> *1.17
> Gbps* bandwidth is achieved.
> The MTU size set at both ends is *15000*.
> Can you please guide me to solve the issue in my embedded device. As I want
> to achieve at least *1 Gbps* bandwidth in my embedded device as well.
> I am using iperf to transmit/receive packets at both ends using USB.
> Please let me know in case of any more information required from my end.

You can either try mainline, or ask for support from whoever forces you
to use v4.4.

BTW, v4.4.60 is *not* the latest v4.4 stable. Why aren't you using

Good luck


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