Hi Juan,

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 12:24:01PM +0100, Juan Zea wrote:
>   Please excuse me... I have reported two different problems in this post, 
> and I think things are mixing up a bit. My bad. I've found two different 
> problems:
> 1.- When compiling vhci driver with multiple hubs (in latest kernel), usbip 
> tool doesn't seem able to "jump" to the second controller. As far as I 
> understand, it seems to be a problem with high speed devices trying to get 
> connected to super speed ports. I made a patch for avoiding this situation 
> which is almost the same as the one you just sent. Both patches work. I can 
> compile with several hubs of one port, and connect two devices via usbip and 
> the second gets connected to the second controller (skipping the super speed 
> port of first controller).
> 2.- The problem is some of these devices don't work, whatsoever controller or 
> hub compiling configuration I do. A fingerprint reader and also recently 
> discovered flash usb sticks don't work either. You can connect them with 
> usbip tool, and they list with lsusb with no problem at all. But when you try 
> to use them, you get this "kernel BUG at drivers/usb/usbip/vhci_hcd.c:669!" 
> (by the way, the line number has changed in the latest pull from master I've 
> just tested, but it's the same line of code). This second problem is the one 
> I bisected in my last message. And I got to the commit 
> 03cd00d538a6feb0492cd153edf256ef7d7bd95e, in which both devices stop working. 
It'd be good if you can give greater detail of the exact (as much
info as possible) setting of the fingerprint reader case.

> The patch you sent fixes 1 but not 2. And yes, I'm using non-super-speed 
> devices for testing. 
This was what I understood. Just want to make sure we are on the same page.

> I hope this helped, and sorry for the mess,

Yes, it helped. My sincere apologies for the mess I created!

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