Thanks but that patch doesn't work for me. The warnings in system log
aren't the problem. In my case, with 4.13.x kernels, the problem is
that the system continuously receives mouse signals.How do I detect
it? Because when I put a video on YouTube the bar with the controls
never disappears even though the mouse is still. The same goes for
Netflix videos. And when I run a command in a terminal emulator with a
long output and scroll to read the initial output I can't because the
terminal receives a signal from the mouse continuously that makes it
returns to the end.
At first I thought the problem was the type of mouse I was using:
Logitech MX Master. But I've tested with a simple wired mouse and it
also fails.
On the other hand, I bought this tower from an online store that is
specialized in selling computers with Linux compatible hardware. And
all its components are fully compatible with Linux but it turns out
that now I have this problem and I don't know how to fix it. Is Arch
Linux a problem? Is it a kernel problem? Is it a hardware problem?
With the exception of the network card, which is from Realtek, the
rest of the hardware is from Intel. Isn't Intel hardware supposed to
be Linux-friendly?

2017-10-31 12:37 GMT+01:00 Mathias Nyman <mathias.ny...@linux.intel.com>:
> On 30.10.2017 23:14, Greg KH wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 04:16:29PM +0100, Juan Simón wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have read this thread
>>> (https://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=150056183628924&w=2) and supposedly
>>> the problem was solved in version 4.13.7 but in my case it's not like
>>> that.
> It's not solved in 4.13.7.
> Yaroslav Isakov manually applied a test patch on top of 4.13.7
> which solved the issue for him.
> Same testpatch attached to this mail, and also pushed to my for-usb-linus
> branch:
> git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mnyman/xhci.git for-usb-linus
> Can you try if it helps in your case?
>>> I use Arch Linux. I've tested several versions of kernel 4.13.x and
>>> they all fail me. The kernels 4.12.x works well.
>>> I have reported a bug in Arch Linux:
>>> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/56094 with all information that I have
>>> known and believed to be important to the case.
>>> The problem isn't only the continued warnings, but the mouse is as if
>>> it continuously sends events to the system.
>> Any chance you can use 'git bisect' to find the patch that causes the
>> problem?
> Bisect would be interesting, I wasn't aware it was working in 4.12 and
> failed in 4.13
> -Mathias
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