
On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 12:16 PM, Mathias Nyman
<mathias.ny...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> This is the xhci->cmd_timer (delayed work) that has a five second timeout
> for the currently processing command on the command ring.
> When triggered it will abort the current command by stopping the command
> ring
> and remove/move past the current command.
> Logs shows the command first timed out, and xhci then failing to stop the
> command ring.
> when trying to abort the command.
> To me it looks like xHC ends up in a state that we can't recover from
> without resetting xHC.
> xhci Module reload or rebinding device and driver is needed

I thought I had scared the error away, but it just happened. I figured
out how to build xhci as a module for my board and reloading
(rmmod/modprobe) the module recovers the host controller. So while not
very elegant, a script which checks dmesg for this error message and
reloads xhci in case error happens is good enough in my case.

Thanks for all the help!
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