
g...@novadsp.com writes:
> Greetings,
> I'm trying to find the simplest way to develop a bulk mode gadget that
> exposes a standard userland IO interface. I've not been able to find
> anything suitable but if such a beast does exist please do point me in the
> right direction. Failing that please read on.
> The appliance collects data via video and other sensors. There is an
> intermediate userland processing application that sources from video (V4L2),
> SPI, etc.  and would write its output to the host via USB.
> V4L2 on the target H3 SoC is only (currently) supported with a 3.4.X kernel.
> Thus newer gadget FS options marked as experimental. This may be a
> significant constraint, I am not yet sure.
> This is an embedded appliance and g_zero does work. Thus I am minded to
> extend g_zero, adding fileops etc. so it appears as a standard character
> mode driver in /dev. Read() and write() would simply be hooked in to the
> source_sink_complete() handler. Does this sense?
> Any comments/thought much appreciated.

3.4??? sorry, you're on your own. You need to ask for support from
whoever forces you to stay on this kernel.

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