
> Eric Anholt <e...@anholt.net> hat am 20. April 2017 um 20:54 geschrieben:
> Stefan Wahren <stefan.wah...@i2se.com> writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> >> Doug Anderson <diand...@chromium.org> hat am 18. April 2017 um 22:41 
> >> geschrieben:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> It's hard to know for sure that all of this time is really in
> >> urb_enqueue().  Possible we could have task switched out and been
> >> blocked elsewhere.  Using ftrace to get more fine-grained timings
> >> would be useful.  ktime_get(), ktime_sub(), and ktime_to_us() are your
> >> friends here if you want to use trace_printk.
> >
> > i'm a newbie to ftrace, so i hope this would be helpful.
> >
> > # connect PL2303 to the onboard hub
> > # echo 0 > options/sleep-time
> > # echo 0 > function_profile_enabled
> > # echo 1 > function_profile_enabled
> > # ./usb_test
> > # Waiting for at least 20 seconds and then disconnect PL2303
> > # echo 0 > function_profile_enabled
> > # cat trace_stat/function0
> >
> >   Function                               Hit    Time            Avg         
> >     s^2
> >   --------                               ---    ----            ---         
> >     ---
> >   bcm2835_handle_irq                  361347    219567633 us     607.636 us 
> >      1485199 us  
> >   __handle_domain_irq                1082482    212639551 us     196.437 us 
> >      3642030 us  
> >   generic_handle_irq                 1082482    100592051 us     92.927 us  
> >      50511334 us 
> >   irq_exit                           1082482    98197771 us     90.715 us   
> >     29649040 us 
> >   handle_level_irq                   1082482    95812379 us     88.511 us   
> >     51910093 us 
> If I'm reading this output right, we're spending half of our interrupt
> processing time in irq_exit(), so even if dwc2's interrupt was free (the
> generic_handle_irq() chain), we'd be eating about half the CPU getting
> back out of the interrupt handler, right?
> I don't really know anything about DWC2 or USB, but is there any way we
> could mitigate the interrupt frequency with this hardware?  If nothing
> else, could we loop reading gintsts until it reads back 0?

first of all i updated my kernel to 4.11rc7 and the issue still occures. Today 
i had some time to investigate this issue further and i made some interesting 

1. The lockup doesn't occure always after starting usb_test. In rare cases i 
was able to run the program without lockup.
2. In case the lockup occured we are always able to "rescue" the BCM2835 from 
this state by sending some serial data to the PL2303.
3. I looked again at the logic analyzer traces of the PL2303 and FTDI. After 
usb_test has been started the time between 2 _dwc2_hcd_irq calls is mostly 
smaller than 6 us (this can't be correct for a single device doesn't send any 
data). With other words it seems to me one or more interrupt(s) are never acked.
4. I placed a trace_printk into dwc2_handle_hcd_intr() in order to dump 
GINTSTS. In normal state we usually reach the value 0x04000029, but not in 
lockup state.

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