On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 04:10:26AM -0500, Pordán Szabolcs wrote:
> Hi guys!
> I've found your name on github in musb, I hope you can help me. I think I've
> got a bug but not sure.
> I have an arm board, called c.h.i.p. It has one normal usb and micro USB port.
> The microUSB connector is used to provide power. I have (a tablet) otg power y

Is it microA, microB or microAB connector? Do you have the schematics of
the board?

> cable which connects to microusb and the 2A power supply of tablet.

Any detail of the cable? Link to a picture of it? It sounds like an
Acccessory Charger Adapter (ACA), isn't it?

Can you please measure the ID pin resistance of the cable?
I haven't touch the BC Specs for years and forgot how the ID pin
resistance could be implemented, so please measure the ID in following
two cases.
- plug the adapter to the wall power outlet, but don't connect the
  cable to your arm board;
- plug the adapter to the wall power outlet, and connect the cable to
  your arm board.

> If the otg cable is empty (only power supply connected) I have these errors:
> musb_bus_suspend 2603: trying to suspend as a_idle while active 

I don't think the 'a_idle' state is expected, but not 100% sure.

> and the board cannot reach login. But if something is also connected to the

But does the uart respond when you press Enter on your keyboard? I am
wondering if CPU is 100% loaded now.

> otg, eg a pendrive, there isn't any error and everything works well and i can
> login.
> Have you experienced this issue yet?


> I hope there's already a fix for it but now the board uses the official 4.4.13
> kernel of the board. It's not mainline, it's a custom kernel as I know.
> Could a newer kernel solve this issue? Is there a fix for this problem since
> 4.4?

I doubt it. I don't understand 1) how it got in a_idle state, 2) what
causes not reaching login, busy loop?

> I hope I don't need to build an own custom kernel because I'm a begginer in
> linux. I hope there's an easiest solution but i'll try to do it if you suggest
> a new kernel solves this.

You likely have to rebuild the kernel if you really want to solve the
issue, we need your help to debug what is happening ;)

> What is your advice? 

One thing you could try is to add 'usbcore.autosuspend=-1' into kernel
boot parameters. If you use u-boot, add it in u-boot bootargs.

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