
On 02/03/17 06:57, Petr Cvek wrote:
> Dne 2.3.2017 v 00:22 Laurent Pinchart napsal(a):
>> Hi Roger,
>> On Wednesday 01 Mar 2017 17:09:51 Roger Quadros wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm no longer able to use g_webcam with uvc-gadget [1] since v4.9. Logs at
>>> the end. It looks like we're goofing up on the control endpoint.
>>> If I revert the following commit everything works fine.
>>> commit 4fbac5206afd01b717d4bdc58793d471f3391b4b
>>> Author: Petr Cvek <>
>>> Date:   Wed Aug 17 12:36:57 2016 +0200
>>>     usb: gadget: uvc: Add missing call for additional setup data
>>> Am I missing something on uvc-gadget side or is the commit really bad?
>>> From what I understand, uvc-gadget is responsible for sending response to
>>> UVC class specific requests on control endpoint in uvc_send_response()
>>> in uvc_v4l2.c.
>>> So the reported commit is sending a duplicate response with probably
>>> improper data.
>> Yes, this looks very dubious to me. I think it should be reverted. My 
>> apologies for not having caught the patch during review.
> Hi,
> Now I've watched all codepaths again and yeah it is probably wrong patch, 
> sorry.
> But if the code path is really:
> uvc_function_setup() -> userspace setup -> ioctl UVCIOC_SEND_RESPONSE -> 
> uvc_send_response() -> usb_ep_queue() -> uvc_function_ep0_complete() -> 
> userspace data
> it seems the USB timeouts with my hardware (PXA27x UDC) but with my patch it 
> gets response immediately.
I hope you were running uvc-gadget application on the PXA27x.

Just sending a response is not sufficient. It must send a response with proper 
f_uvc itself doesn't know how to handle UVC class specific requests and has to
depend on the user space application to populate the data in the response.

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