Fix misaligned and over 80-character comments.

Signed-off-by: John Youn <>
 drivers/usb/dwc2/core.h     | 19 ++++++++++---------
 drivers/usb/dwc2/gadget.c   | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd.c      |  2 +-
 drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd_intr.c | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 4 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/usb/dwc2/core.h b/drivers/usb/dwc2/core.h
index 5d9a9a5..72f604d 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/dwc2/core.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/dwc2/core.h
@@ -603,8 +603,8 @@ struct dwc2_hw_params {
 #define DWC2_CTRL_BUFF_SIZE 8
- * struct dwc2_gregs_backup - Holds global registers state before entering 
- * power down
+ * struct dwc2_gregs_backup - Holds global registers state before
+ * entering partial power down
  * @gotgctl:           Backup of GOTGCTL register
  * @gintmsk:           Backup of GINTMSK register
  * @gahbcfg:           Backup of GAHBCFG register
@@ -634,8 +634,8 @@ struct dwc2_gregs_backup {
- * struct  dwc2_dregs_backup - Holds device registers state before entering 
- * power down
+ * struct dwc2_dregs_backup - Holds device registers state before
+ * entering partial power down
  * @dcfg:              Backup of DCFG register
  * @dctl:              Backup of DCTL register
  * @daintmsk:          Backup of DAINTMSK register
@@ -664,8 +664,8 @@ struct dwc2_dregs_backup {
- * struct  dwc2_hregs_backup - Holds host registers state before entering 
- * power down
+ * struct dwc2_hregs_backup - Holds host registers state before
+ * entering partial power down
  * @hcfg:              Backup of HCFG register
  * @haintmsk:          Backup of HAINTMSK register
  * @hcintmsk:          Backup of HCINTMSK register
@@ -782,9 +782,10 @@ struct dwc2_hregs_backup {
  * @gadget_enabled     Peripheral mode sub-driver initialization indicator.
  * @ll_hw_enabled      Status of low-level hardware resources.
  * @phy:                The otg phy transceiver structure for phy control.
- * @uphy:               The otg phy transceiver structure for old USB phy 
- * @plat:               The platform specific configuration data. This can be 
removed once
- *                      all SoCs support usb transceiver.
+ * @uphy:               The otg phy transceiver structure for old USB phy
+ *                      control.
+ * @plat:               The platform specific configuration data. This can be
+ *                      removed once all SoCs support usb transceiver.
  * @supplies:           Definition of USB power supplies
  * @phyif:              PHY interface width
  * @lock:              Spinlock that protects all the driver data structures
diff --git a/drivers/usb/dwc2/gadget.c b/drivers/usb/dwc2/gadget.c
index 774cb81..6c655de 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/dwc2/gadget.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/dwc2/gadget.c
@@ -581,11 +581,11 @@ static unsigned int get_ep_limit(struct dwc2_hsotg_ep 
-* dwc2_hsotg_read_frameno - read current frame number
-* @hsotg: The device instance
-* Return the current frame number
+ * dwc2_hsotg_read_frameno - read current frame number
+ * @hsotg: The device instance
+ *
+ * Return the current frame number
+ */
 static u32 dwc2_hsotg_read_frameno(struct dwc2_hsotg *hsotg)
        u32 dsts;
@@ -1467,8 +1467,11 @@ static int dwc2_hsotg_process_req_status(struct 
dwc2_hsotg *hsotg,
        switch (ctrl->bRequestType & USB_RECIP_MASK) {
        case USB_RECIP_DEVICE:
-               reply = cpu_to_le16(0); /* bit 0 => self powered,
-                                        * bit 1 => remote wakeup */
+               /*
+                * bit 0 => self powered
+                * bit 1 => remote wakeup
+                */
+               reply = cpu_to_le16(0);
@@ -2750,19 +2753,19 @@ static void 
dwc2_gadget_handle_out_token_ep_disabled(struct dwc2_hsotg_ep *ep)
-* dwc2_gadget_handle_nak - handle NAK interrupt
-* @hs_ep: The endpoint on which interrupt is asserted.
-* This is starting point for ISOC-IN transfer, synchronization done with
-* first IN token received from host while corresponding EP is disabled.
-* Device does not know when first one token will arrive from host. On first
-* token arrival HW generates 2 interrupts: 'in token received while FIFO empty'
-* and 'NAK'. NAK interrupt for ISOC-IN means that token has arrived and ZLP was
-* sent in response to that as there was no data in FIFO. SW is basing on this
-* interrupt to obtain frame in which token has come and then based on the
-* interval calculates next frame for transfer.
+ * dwc2_gadget_handle_nak - handle NAK interrupt
+ * @hs_ep: The endpoint on which interrupt is asserted.
+ *
+ * This is starting point for ISOC-IN transfer, synchronization done with
+ * first IN token received from host while corresponding EP is disabled.
+ *
+ * Device does not know when first one token will arrive from host. On first
+ * token arrival HW generates 2 interrupts: 'in token received while FIFO 
+ * and 'NAK'. NAK interrupt for ISOC-IN means that token has arrived and ZLP 
+ * sent in response to that as there was no data in FIFO. SW is basing on this
+ * interrupt to obtain frame in which token has come and then based on the
+ * interval calculates next frame for transfer.
+ */
 static void dwc2_gadget_handle_nak(struct dwc2_hsotg_ep *hs_ep)
        struct dwc2_hsotg *hsotg = hs_ep->parent;
diff --git a/drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd.c b/drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd.c
index c1bbb62..f5dc651 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd.c
@@ -3045,7 +3045,7 @@ static void dwc2_process_periodic_channels(struct 
dwc2_hsotg *hsotg)
                 * now. This function is called from interrupt
                 * handlers to queue more transactions as transfer
                 * states change.
-               */
+                */
                gintmsk = dwc2_readl(hsotg->regs + GINTMSK);
                if (gintmsk & GINTSTS_PTXFEMP) {
                        gintmsk &= ~GINTSTS_PTXFEMP;
diff --git a/drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd_intr.c b/drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd_intr.c
index d719c2f..dfeff3c 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd_intr.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/dwc2/hcd_intr.c
@@ -1389,22 +1389,27 @@ static void dwc2_hc_nyet_intr(struct dwc2_hsotg *hsotg,
                                int end_frnum;
-                               * Figure out the end frame based on schedule.
-                               *
-                               * We don't want to go on trying again and again
-                               * forever.  Let's stop when we've done all the
-                               * transfers that were scheduled.
-                               *
-                               * We're going to be comparing start_active_frame
-                               * and next_active_frame, both of which are 1
-                               * before the time the packet goes on the wire,
-                               * so that cancels out.  Basically if had 1
-                               * transfer and we saw 1 NYET then we're done.
-                               * We're getting a NYET here so if next >=
-                               * (start + num_transfers) we're done. The
-                               * complexity is that for all but ISOC_OUT we
-                               * skip one slot.
-                               */
+                                * Figure out the end frame based on
+                                * schedule.
+                                *
+                                * We don't want to go on trying again
+                                * and again forever. Let's stop when
+                                * we've done all the transfers that
+                                * were scheduled.
+                                *
+                                * We're going to be comparing
+                                * start_active_frame and
+                                * next_active_frame, both of which
+                                * are 1 before the time the packet
+                                * goes on the wire, so that cancels
+                                * out. Basically if had 1 transfer
+                                * and we saw 1 NYET then we're done.
+                                * We're getting a NYET here so if
+                                * next >= (start + num_transfers)
+                                * we're done. The complexity is that
+                                * for all but ISOC_OUT we skip one
+                                * slot.
+                                */
                                end_frnum = dwc2_frame_num_inc(

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