On 10/25/2016 03:24 AM, Axel Haslam wrote:
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 3:39 AM, David Lechner <da...@lechnology.com> wrote:
On 10/24/2016 11:46 AM, ahas...@baylibre.com wrote:

From: Axel Haslam <ahas...@baylibre.com>

Currently, the da8xx ohci driver uses a set of gpios and callbacks in
board files to handle vbus and overcurrent irqs form the power supply.
However, this does not play nice when moving to a DT based boot were
we wont have board files.

Instead of requesting and handling the gpio, use the regulator framework
to take care of enabling and disabling vbus power.
This has the benefit
that we dont need to pass any more platform data to the driver:

These will be handled by the regulator framework:
set_power   ->  regulator_enable/regulator_disable
get_power   ->  regulator_is_enabled
get_oci     ->  regulator_get_mode
ocic_notify ->  regulator notification

We can keep the default potpgt and use the regulator start delay instead:
potpgt      -> regulator startup delay time

The hawk board does not have a GPIO/OVERCURRENT gpio to control vbus,
(they should not have been decleared/reserved) so, just remove those
definitions from the hwk board file.

Signed-off-by: Axel Haslam <ahas...@baylibre.com>

How do you recover after an overcurrent event?

I have configured a fixed-regulator using device-tree, but similar to the
configuration in the board files here. However, when I shorted out the VBUS
and caused an overcurrent event, I see nothing in the kernel log saying that
there was an overcurrent event and after I remove the short, the regulator
is never turned back on.

You should have the patch to fix gpiolib, and you should declare the
over current gpio on the regulator as such:
(if the pin is enabled high you should add oc-active-high);

       vbus_fixed: fixed-regulator-vbus {
               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
               gpio = <&gpio 109 0>;
               oc-gpio = <&gpio 36 0>;
               regulator-name = "vbus";
               regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
               regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;

Question: Do you see that the over current gpio was requested
in debugfs/gpio? and, do you see the interrupt in /proc/interrupts?

If you unplug and plug in back the usb device it should work again.
also you can unbind and bind it should also start to work:
something like:

echo usb1 >/sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind
echo usb1 >/sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind

I have added oc-active-high and I get different results, but it is still not quite right. When I short the VBUS, I can see that my overcurrent gpio changes state. However, the driver does not turn of the VBUS. When I remove the short, I get an overcurrent error in the kernel log. I would expect this when I create the short, not when I remove it. I also tried adding GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW to the oc-gpio, but this did not change the behavior. In either case, the oc_gpio shows as high under normal conditions, so perhaps there is a problem with the gpio-davinci driver not picking up GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW from the device tree.

My regulator is basically the same. My device just uses different gpios.

        vbus_reg: vbus-reg {
                compatible = "regulator-fixed";
                pinctrl-names = "default";
                pinctrl-0 = <&usb11_pins>;
                gpio = <&gpio 101 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
                oc-gpio = <&gpio 99 0>;
                regulator-name = "vbus";
                regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
                regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;

It seems to me though that I should not have oc-active-high since under normal conditions, the oc_gpio is high and during an overcurrent event, the oc_gpio is low. Double-checking the behavior without oc-active-high, I see that the vbus gpio is turned off in response to the overcurrent event, but I don't get the overcurrent message in the kernel log. Perhaps this is because as soon as there is an overcurrent event the vbus turns off and the oc_gpio returns to normal before the usb driver has a chance to poll the overcurrent state?

Also, unplugging the device and plugging it back in does nothing. Unbinding and binding the driver does work, but that does not seem like a very nice way to have to recover from an overcurrent event.

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