It seems the problem is related to 64 bit Linux on Gigabyte motherboards.
32 bit?  No problem.  Windows? No problem.  Another mobo? No problem.
So much for buying the preferred Linux mobo.
I've added the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= change to /etc/default/grub and
updated with "update-bootloader".  I hope that is the right substitute for
"update-grub".  I guess "bootloader" is some sort of name improvement
over "grub"
since grub is now pase.

Welp, sending this out and about to reboot.


Re: GIGABYTE GA-970A-DS3 motherboard not working with 64 bit kernel
Here is my updated fix

First enable iommu in the uefi by restarting your computer and
pressing delete to enter the uefi

plug your usb mouse, keyboard and thumbdrive in usb 2 ports.

save and exit the uefi

Then In Ubuntu:

press Ctrl+Alt+T to open up a terminal

run the following command: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

Edit the empty quotes in this line to read: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="iommu=soft"

save changes to grub and exit gedit and the terminal

Open up a new terminal with ctrl+alt+t

run the following command: sudo update-grub

then exit the terminal using this command: exit

Restart your computer press delete to get back into the uefi

Disable iommu in bios, load optimized defaults and restart.

usb, 2.0 usb 3.0 and networking all work now in Ubuntu, and disabling
iommu in bios helps prevent windows freezes that was occurring if you
are running a dual boot environment.

If the above post helps anyone I am happy.
Last edited by ozcyto; May 29th, 2014 at 12:25 AM.
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