On 11/04/16 16:26, Felipe Balbi wrote:
> Hi,
> Roger Quadros <rog...@ti.com> writes:
>> On 11/04/16 15:18, Felipe Balbi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Roger Quadros <rog...@ti.com> writes:
>>>> Don't make any decisions regarding VBUS session based on ID
>>>> status. That is best left to the OTG core.
>>> what about builds who don't want OTG and/or dual-role ?
>>>> Pass ID and VBUS events independent of each other so that OTG
>>>> core knows exactly what to do.
>>>> This makes dual-role with extcon work with OTG irq on OMAP platforms.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Roger Quadros <rog...@ti.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>  drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-omap.c | 15 ++++++---------
>>>>  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-omap.c b/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-omap.c
>>>> index 51ca098..c9b918d 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-omap.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-omap.c
>>>> @@ -233,19 +233,14 @@ static void dwc3_omap_set_mailbox(struct dwc3_omap 
>>>> *omap,
>>>>            }
>>>>            val = dwc3_omap_read_utmi_ctrl(omap);
>>>> -          val &= ~(USBOTGSS_UTMI_OTG_CTRL_IDDIG
>>>> -                          | USBOTGSS_UTMI_OTG_CTRL_VBUSVALID
>>>> -                          | USBOTGSS_UTMI_OTG_CTRL_SESSEND);
>>>> -                          | USBOTGSS_UTMI_OTG_CTRL_POWERPRESENT;
>>>> +          val &= ~USBOTGSS_UTMI_OTG_CTRL_IDDIG;
>>> this creates the possibility of having a USB peripheral with VBUS_VALID,
>>> right 
>> Sorry, I didn't get what you meant.
> if you're touching these bits independently from each other, won't you
> have a situation where you notify IDFLOAT but don't notify that VBUS is
> off ?
We're setting the mailbox state for both ID and VBUS in 
depending on the initial extcon state. After that, ID and VBUS will be signalled
only when they change.

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