On Sat, 5 Mar 2016, Rian Hunter wrote:

> On Sat, 5 Mar 2016, Alan Stern wrote:
> >
> >        4166c880 0.293164 S Bi:2:003:1 -115 13 <
> >        4166c880 0.293217 C Bi:2:003:1 0 13 = 55534253 7c333100 27b50312 3d
> >
> > Receive the status.  The response is not meaningful; dCSWDataResidue
> > and bCSWStatus are both garbage.  In particular, since status is not 1,
> > the device did _not_ report Check Condition.  At this point there is
> > little that usb-storage can do other than a reset.
> >
> My mistake, instead of trying to understand the protocol myself I put
> too much faith in Wireshark and it interpreted that last packet as a
> SCSI check condition. I see that at the UMS level the status is
> actually 0x3d.
> This doesn't help me determine whether it's the bridge or the drives
> that are failing but at least I know now it's not the host. Thanks
> again!

I'd be inclined to blame the bridge.  JMicron's devices have had quite 
a few bugs in the past.

The cause of the timeout errors is harder to pin down.  In fact, it 
might be neither the bridge nor the drive but some weird 
incompatibility between them.

Alan Stern

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