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On Wed, 2 Mar 2016 16:53:36 +0100
Sedat Dilek <sedat.di...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ffffffff8110f3f0 <del_timer>:
> ffffffff8110f3f0:     55                      push   %rbp
> ffffffff8110f3f1:     48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
> ffffffff8110f3f4:     41 57                   push   %r15
> ffffffff8110f3f6:     41 56                   push   %r14
> ffffffff8110f3f8:     53                      push   %rbx
> ffffffff8110f3f9:     50                      push   %rax
> ffffffff8110f3fa:     48 89 fb                mov    %rdi,%rbx
> ffffffff8110f3fd:     e8 ee 6f 80 00          callq  ffffffff819163f0 <mcount>
> ffffffff8110f402:     e8 e9 6f 80 00          callq  ffffffff819163f0 <mcount>
> ffffffff8110f407:     e8 e4 6f 80 00          callq  ffffffff819163f0 <mcount>
> ffffffff8110f40c:     e8 df 6f 80 00          callq  ffffffff819163f0 <mcount>

What is this about?

-- Steve
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