The usbip_protocol.txt, a document which describes usbip's
inner workings is currently located in the projects source
directory (drivers/usb/usbip/...). This patch moves it to

This discussion was brought up by Guy Harris [0] during the
review of the USBIP dissector I wrote. For anyone interested:
support is available with the latest wireshark master/dev tree.
Simply select a packet from the usbip's tcp-stream you are
intrested on and select the USBIP as the protocol in the
"Decode As" dialog box [1].

Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>

[0] <>
 Documentation/usb/usbip_protocol.txt | 358 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 MAINTAINERS                          |   1 +
 drivers/usb/usbip/usbip_protocol.txt | 358 -----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 358 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/usb/usbip_protocol.txt
 delete mode 100644 drivers/usb/usbip/usbip_protocol.txt

diff --git a/Documentation/usb/usbip_protocol.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16b6fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/usb/usbip_protocol.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+28 Jun 2011
+The USB/IP protocol follows a server/client architecture. The server exports 
+USB devices and the clients imports them. The device driver for the exported
+USB device runs on the client machine.
+The client may ask for the list of the exported USB devices. To get the list 
+client opens a TCP/IP connection towards the server, and sends an 
+packet on top of the TCP/IP connection (so the actual OP_REQ_DEVLIST may be 
+in one or more pieces at the low level transport layer). The server sends back
+the OP_REP_DEVLIST packet which lists the exported USB devices. Finally the
+TCP/IP connection is closed.
+ virtual host controller                                 usb host
+      "client"                                           "server"
+  (imports USB devices)                             (exports USB devices)
+          |                                                 |
+          |                  OP_REQ_DEVLIST                 |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |                  OP_REP_DEVLIST                 |
+          | <---------------------------------------------- |
+          |                                                 |
+Once the client knows the list of exported USB devices it may decide to use one
+of them. First the client opens a TCP/IP connection towards the server and
+sends an OP_REQ_IMPORT packet. The server replies with OP_REP_IMPORT. If the
+import was successful the TCP/IP connection remains open and will be used
+to transfer the URB traffic between the client and the server. The client may
+send two types of packets: the USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT to submit an URB, and
+USBIP_CMD_UNLINK to unlink a previously submitted URB. The answers of the
+server may be USBIP_RET_SUBMIT and USBIP_RET_UNLINK respectively.
+ virtual host controller                                 usb host
+      "client"                                           "server"
+  (imports USB devices)                             (exports USB devices)
+          |                                                 |
+          |                  OP_REQ_IMPORT                  |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |                  OP_REP_IMPORT                  |
+          | <---------------------------------------------- |
+          |                                                 |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = n)         |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_RET_SUBMIT(seqnum = n)         |
+          | <---------------------------------------------- |
+          |                        .                        |
+          |                        :                        |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m)         |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+1)       |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+2)       |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_RET_SUBMIT(seqnum = m)         |
+          | <---------------------------------------------- |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+3)       |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_RET_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+1)       |
+          | <---------------------------------------------- |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+4)       |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |            USBIP_RET_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+2)       |
+          | <---------------------------------------------- |
+          |                        .                        |
+          |                        :                        |
+          |                                                 |
+          |               USBIP_CMD_UNLINK                  |
+          | ----------------------------------------------> |
+          |                                                 |
+          |               USBIP_RET_UNLINK                  |
+          | <---------------------------------------------- |
+          |                                                 |
+The fields are in network (big endian) byte order meaning that the most 
+byte (MSB) is stored at the lowest address.
+OP_REQ_DEVLIST: Retrieve the list of exported USB devices.
+ Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
+ 0         | 2      | 0x0100     | Binary-coded decimal USBIP version number: 
+ 2         | 2      | 0x8005     | Command code: Retrieve the list of exported 
+           |        |            |   devices.
+ 4         | 4      | 0x00000000 | Status: unused, shall be set to 0
+OP_REP_DEVLIST: Reply with the list of exported USB devices.
+ Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
+ 0         | 2      | 0x0100     | Binary-coded decimal USBIP version number: 
+ 2         | 2      | 0x0005     | Reply code: The list of exported USB 
+ 4         | 4      | 0x00000000 | Status: 0 for OK
+ 8         | 4      | n          | Number of exported devices: 0 means no 
+           |        |            |   devices.
+ 0x0C      |        |            | From now on the exported n devices are 
+           |        |            |   if any. If no devices are exported the 
+           |        |            |   ends with the previous "number of exported
+           |        |            |   devices" field.
+           | 256    |            | path: Path of the device on the host 
exporting the
+           |        |            |   USB device, string closed with zero byte, 
+           |        |            |   
+           |        |            |   The unused bytes shall be filled with zero
+           |        |            |   bytes.
+ 0x10C     | 32     |            | busid: Bus ID of the exported device, string
+           |        |            |   closed with zero byte, e.g. "3-2". The 
+           |        |            |   bytes shall be filled with zero bytes.
+ 0x12C     | 4      |            | busnum
+ 0x130     | 4      |            | devnum
+ 0x134     | 4      |            | speed
+ 0x138     | 2      |            | idVendor
+ 0x13A     | 2      |            | idProduct
+ 0x13C     | 2      |            | bcdDevice
+ 0x13E     | 1      |            | bDeviceClass
+ 0x13F     | 1      |            | bDeviceSubClass
+ 0x140     | 1      |            | bDeviceProtocol
+ 0x141     | 1      |            | bConfigurationValue
+ 0x142     | 1      |            | bNumConfigurations
+ 0x143     | 1      |            | bNumInterfaces
+ 0x144     |        | m_0        | From now on each interface is described, all
+           |        |            |   together bNumInterfaces times, with the
+           |        |            |   the following 4 fields:
+           | 1      |            | bInterfaceClass
+ 0x145     | 1      |            | bInterfaceSubClass
+ 0x146     | 1      |            | bInterfaceProtocol
+ 0x147     | 1      |            | padding byte for alignment, shall be set to 
+ 0xC +     |        |            | The second exported USB device starts at i=1
+ i*0x138 + |        |            | with the busid field.
+ m_(i-1)*4 |        |            |
+OP_REQ_IMPORT: Request to import (attach) a remote USB device.
+ Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
+ 0         | 2      | 0x0100     | Binary-coded decimal USBIP version number: 
+ 2         | 2      | 0x8003     | Command code: import a remote USB device.
+ 4         | 4      | 0x00000000 | Status: unused, shall be set to 0
+ 8         | 32     |            | busid: the busid of the exported device on 
+           |        |            |   remote host. The possible values are taken
+           |        |            |   from the message field 
+           |        |            |   A string closed with zero, the unused 
+           |        |            |   shall be filled with zeros.
+OP_REP_IMPORT: Reply to import (attach) a remote USB device.
+ Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
+ 0         | 2      | 0x0100     | Binary-coded decimal USBIP version number: 
+ 2         | 2      | 0x0003     | Reply code: Reply to import.
+ 4         | 4      | 0x00000000 | Status: 0 for OK
+           |        |            |         1 for error
+ 8         |        |            | From now on comes the details of the 
+           |        |            |   device, if the previous status field was 
OK (0),
+           |        |            |   otherwise the reply ends with the status 
+           | 256    |            | path: Path of the device on the host 
exporting the
+           |        |            |   USB device, string closed with zero byte, 
+           |        |            |   
+           |        |            |   The unused bytes shall be filled with zero
+           |        |            |   bytes.
+ 0x108     | 32     |            | busid: Bus ID of the exported device, string
+           |        |            |   closed with zero byte, e.g. "3-2". The 
+           |        |            |   bytes shall be filled with zero bytes.
+ 0x128     | 4      |            | busnum
+ 0x12C     | 4      |            | devnum
+ 0x130     | 4      |            | speed
+ 0x134     | 2      |            | idVendor
+ 0x136     | 2      |            | idProduct
+ 0x138     | 2      |            | bcdDevice
+ 0x139     | 1      |            | bDeviceClass
+ 0x13A     | 1      |            | bDeviceSubClass
+ 0x13B     | 1      |            | bDeviceProtocol
+ 0x13C     | 1      |            | bConfigurationValue
+ 0x13D     | 1      |            | bNumConfigurations
+ 0x13E     | 1      |            | bNumInterfaces
+ Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
+ 0         | 4      | 0x00000001 | command: Submit an URB
+ 4         | 4      |            | seqnum: the sequence number of the URB to 
+ 8         | 4      |            | devid
+ 0xC       | 4      |            | direction: 0: USBIP_DIR_OUT
+           |        |            |            1: USBIP_DIR_IN
+ 0x10      | 4      |            | ep: endpoint number, possible values are: 
+ 0x14      | 4      |            | transfer_flags: possible values depend on 
+           |        |            |   URB transfer type, see below
+ 0x18      | 4      |            | transfer_buffer_length
+ 0x1C      | 4      |            | start_frame: specify the selected frame to
+           |        |            |   transmit an ISO frame, ignored if 
+           |        |            |   is specified at transfer_flags
+ 0x20      | 4      |            | number_of_packets: number of ISO packets
+ 0x24      | 4      |            | interval: maximum time for the request on 
+           |        |            |   server-side host controller
+ 0x28      | 8      |            | setup: data bytes for USB setup, filled with
+           |        |            |   zeros if not used
+ 0x30      |        |            | URB data. For ISO transfers the padding 
+           |        |            |   each ISO packets is not transmitted.
+  Allowed transfer_flags  | value      | control | interrupt | bulk     | 
+  URB_SHORT_NOT_OK        | 0x00000001 | only in | only in   | only in  | no
+  URB_ISO_ASAP            | 0x00000002 | no      | no        | no       | yes
+  URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP | 0x00000004 | yes     | yes       | yes      | yes
+  URB_NO_FSBR             | 0x00000020 | yes     | no        | no       | no
+  URB_ZERO_PACKET         | 0x00000040 | no      | no        | only out | no
+  URB_NO_INTERRUPT        | 0x00000080 | yes     | yes       | yes      | yes
+  URB_FREE_BUFFER         | 0x00000100 | yes     | yes       | yes      | yes
+  URB_DIR_MASK            | 0x00000200 | yes     | yes       | yes      | yes
+USBIP_RET_SUBMIT: Reply for submitting an URB
+ Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
+ 0         | 4      | 0x00000003 | command
+ 4         | 4      |            | seqnum: URB sequence number
+ 8         | 4      |            | devid
+ 0xC       | 4      |            | direction: 0: USBIP_DIR_OUT
+           |        |            |            1: USBIP_DIR_IN
+ 0x10      | 4      |            | ep: endpoint number
+ 0x14      | 4      |            | status: zero for successful URB transaction,
+           |        |            |   otherwise some kind of error happened.
+ 0x18      | 4      | n          | actual_length: number of URB data bytes
+ 0x1C      | 4      |            | start_frame: for an ISO frame the actually
+           |        |            |   selected frame for transmit.
+ 0x20      | 4      |            | number_of_packets
+ 0x24      | 4      |            | error_count
+ 0x28      | 8      |            | setup: data bytes for USB setup, filled with
+           |        |            |   zeros if not used
+ 0x30      | n      |            | URB data bytes. For ISO transfers the 
+           |        |            |   between each ISO packets is not 
+ Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
+ 0         | 4      | 0x00000002 | command: URB unlink command
+ 4         | 4      |            | seqnum: URB sequence number to unlink: 
FIXME: is this so?
+ 8         | 4      |            | devid
+ 0xC       | 4      |            | direction: 0: USBIP_DIR_OUT
+           |        |            |            1: USBIP_DIR_IN
+ 0x10      | 4      |            | ep: endpoint number: zero
+ 0x14      | 4      |            | seqnum: the URB sequence number given 
+           |        |            |   at USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT.seqnum field
+ 0x30      | n      |            | URB data bytes. For ISO transfers the 
+           |        |            |   between each ISO packets is not 
+USBIP_RET_UNLINK: Reply for URB unlink
+ Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
+ 0         | 4      | 0x00000004 | command: reply for the URB unlink command
+ 4         | 4      |            | seqnum: the unlinked URB sequence number
+ 8         | 4      |            | devid
+ 0xC       | 4      |            | direction: 0: USBIP_DIR_OUT
+           |        |            |            1: USBIP_DIR_IN
+ 0x10      | 4      |            | ep: endpoint number
+ 0x14      | 4      |            | status: This is the value contained in the
+           |        |            |   urb->status in the URB completition 
+           |        |            |   FIXME: a better explanation needed.
+ 0x30      | n      |            | URB data bytes. For ISO transfers the 
+           |        |            |   between each ISO packets is not 
index c592d54..327d57b 100644
@@ -11371,6 +11371,7 @@ M:      Valentina Manea <>
 M:     Shuah Khan <>
 S:     Maintained
+F:     Documentation/usb/usbip_protocol.txt
 F:     drivers/usb/usbip/
 F:     tools/usb/usbip/
diff --git a/drivers/usb/usbip/usbip_protocol.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b6fe2..0000000
--- a/drivers/usb/usbip/usbip_protocol.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-28 Jun 2011
-The USB/IP protocol follows a server/client architecture. The server exports 
-USB devices and the clients imports them. The device driver for the exported
-USB device runs on the client machine.
-The client may ask for the list of the exported USB devices. To get the list 
-client opens a TCP/IP connection towards the server, and sends an 
-packet on top of the TCP/IP connection (so the actual OP_REQ_DEVLIST may be 
-in one or more pieces at the low level transport layer). The server sends back
-the OP_REP_DEVLIST packet which lists the exported USB devices. Finally the
-TCP/IP connection is closed.
- virtual host controller                                 usb host
-      "client"                                           "server"
-  (imports USB devices)                             (exports USB devices)
-          |                                                 |
-          |                  OP_REQ_DEVLIST                 |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |                  OP_REP_DEVLIST                 |
-          | <---------------------------------------------- |
-          |                                                 |
-Once the client knows the list of exported USB devices it may decide to use one
-of them. First the client opens a TCP/IP connection towards the server and
-sends an OP_REQ_IMPORT packet. The server replies with OP_REP_IMPORT. If the
-import was successful the TCP/IP connection remains open and will be used
-to transfer the URB traffic between the client and the server. The client may
-send two types of packets: the USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT to submit an URB, and
-USBIP_CMD_UNLINK to unlink a previously submitted URB. The answers of the
-server may be USBIP_RET_SUBMIT and USBIP_RET_UNLINK respectively.
- virtual host controller                                 usb host
-      "client"                                           "server"
-  (imports USB devices)                             (exports USB devices)
-          |                                                 |
-          |                  OP_REQ_IMPORT                  |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |                  OP_REP_IMPORT                  |
-          | <---------------------------------------------- |
-          |                                                 |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = n)         |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_RET_SUBMIT(seqnum = n)         |
-          | <---------------------------------------------- |
-          |                        .                        |
-          |                        :                        |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m)         |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+1)       |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+2)       |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_RET_SUBMIT(seqnum = m)         |
-          | <---------------------------------------------- |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+3)       |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_RET_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+1)       |
-          | <---------------------------------------------- |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+4)       |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |            USBIP_RET_SUBMIT(seqnum = m+2)       |
-          | <---------------------------------------------- |
-          |                        .                        |
-          |                        :                        |
-          |                                                 |
-          |               USBIP_CMD_UNLINK                  |
-          | ----------------------------------------------> |
-          |                                                 |
-          |               USBIP_RET_UNLINK                  |
-          | <---------------------------------------------- |
-          |                                                 |
-The fields are in network (big endian) byte order meaning that the most 
-byte (MSB) is stored at the lowest address.
-OP_REQ_DEVLIST: Retrieve the list of exported USB devices.
- Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
- 0         | 2      | 0x0100     | Binary-coded decimal USBIP version number: 
- 2         | 2      | 0x8005     | Command code: Retrieve the list of exported 
-           |        |            |   devices.
- 4         | 4      | 0x00000000 | Status: unused, shall be set to 0
-OP_REP_DEVLIST: Reply with the list of exported USB devices.
- Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
- 0         | 2      | 0x0100     | Binary-coded decimal USBIP version number: 
- 2         | 2      | 0x0005     | Reply code: The list of exported USB 
- 4         | 4      | 0x00000000 | Status: 0 for OK
- 8         | 4      | n          | Number of exported devices: 0 means no 
-           |        |            |   devices.
- 0x0C      |        |            | From now on the exported n devices are 
-           |        |            |   if any. If no devices are exported the 
-           |        |            |   ends with the previous "number of exported
-           |        |            |   devices" field.
-           | 256    |            | path: Path of the device on the host 
exporting the
-           |        |            |   USB device, string closed with zero byte, 
-           |        |            |   
-           |        |            |   The unused bytes shall be filled with zero
-           |        |            |   bytes.
- 0x10C     | 32     |            | busid: Bus ID of the exported device, string
-           |        |            |   closed with zero byte, e.g. "3-2". The 
-           |        |            |   bytes shall be filled with zero bytes.
- 0x12C     | 4      |            | busnum
- 0x130     | 4      |            | devnum
- 0x134     | 4      |            | speed
- 0x138     | 2      |            | idVendor
- 0x13A     | 2      |            | idProduct
- 0x13C     | 2      |            | bcdDevice
- 0x13E     | 1      |            | bDeviceClass
- 0x13F     | 1      |            | bDeviceSubClass
- 0x140     | 1      |            | bDeviceProtocol
- 0x141     | 1      |            | bConfigurationValue
- 0x142     | 1      |            | bNumConfigurations
- 0x143     | 1      |            | bNumInterfaces
- 0x144     |        | m_0        | From now on each interface is described, all
-           |        |            |   together bNumInterfaces times, with the
-           |        |            |   the following 4 fields:
-           | 1      |            | bInterfaceClass
- 0x145     | 1      |            | bInterfaceSubClass
- 0x146     | 1      |            | bInterfaceProtocol
- 0x147     | 1      |            | padding byte for alignment, shall be set to 
- 0xC +     |        |            | The second exported USB device starts at i=1
- i*0x138 + |        |            | with the busid field.
- m_(i-1)*4 |        |            |
-OP_REQ_IMPORT: Request to import (attach) a remote USB device.
- Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
- 0         | 2      | 0x0100     | Binary-coded decimal USBIP version number: 
- 2         | 2      | 0x8003     | Command code: import a remote USB device.
- 4         | 4      | 0x00000000 | Status: unused, shall be set to 0
- 8         | 32     |            | busid: the busid of the exported device on 
-           |        |            |   remote host. The possible values are taken
-           |        |            |   from the message field 
-           |        |            |   A string closed with zero, the unused 
-           |        |            |   shall be filled with zeros.
-OP_REP_IMPORT: Reply to import (attach) a remote USB device.
- Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
- 0         | 2      | 0x0100     | Binary-coded decimal USBIP version number: 
- 2         | 2      | 0x0003     | Reply code: Reply to import.
- 4         | 4      | 0x00000000 | Status: 0 for OK
-           |        |            |         1 for error
- 8         |        |            | From now on comes the details of the 
-           |        |            |   device, if the previous status field was 
OK (0),
-           |        |            |   otherwise the reply ends with the status 
-           | 256    |            | path: Path of the device on the host 
exporting the
-           |        |            |   USB device, string closed with zero byte, 
-           |        |            |   
-           |        |            |   The unused bytes shall be filled with zero
-           |        |            |   bytes.
- 0x108     | 32     |            | busid: Bus ID of the exported device, string
-           |        |            |   closed with zero byte, e.g. "3-2". The 
-           |        |            |   bytes shall be filled with zero bytes.
- 0x128     | 4      |            | busnum
- 0x12C     | 4      |            | devnum
- 0x130     | 4      |            | speed
- 0x134     | 2      |            | idVendor
- 0x136     | 2      |            | idProduct
- 0x138     | 2      |            | bcdDevice
- 0x139     | 1      |            | bDeviceClass
- 0x13A     | 1      |            | bDeviceSubClass
- 0x13B     | 1      |            | bDeviceProtocol
- 0x13C     | 1      |            | bConfigurationValue
- 0x13D     | 1      |            | bNumConfigurations
- 0x13E     | 1      |            | bNumInterfaces
- Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
- 0         | 4      | 0x00000001 | command: Submit an URB
- 4         | 4      |            | seqnum: the sequence number of the URB to 
- 8         | 4      |            | devid
- 0xC       | 4      |            | direction: 0: USBIP_DIR_OUT
-           |        |            |            1: USBIP_DIR_IN
- 0x10      | 4      |            | ep: endpoint number, possible values are: 
- 0x14      | 4      |            | transfer_flags: possible values depend on 
-           |        |            |   URB transfer type, see below
- 0x18      | 4      |            | transfer_buffer_length
- 0x1C      | 4      |            | start_frame: specify the selected frame to
-           |        |            |   transmit an ISO frame, ignored if 
-           |        |            |   is specified at transfer_flags
- 0x20      | 4      |            | number_of_packets: number of ISO packets
- 0x24      | 4      |            | interval: maximum time for the request on 
-           |        |            |   server-side host controller
- 0x28      | 8      |            | setup: data bytes for USB setup, filled with
-           |        |            |   zeros if not used
- 0x30      |        |            | URB data. For ISO transfers the padding 
-           |        |            |   each ISO packets is not transmitted.
-  Allowed transfer_flags  | value      | control | interrupt | bulk     | 
-  URB_SHORT_NOT_OK        | 0x00000001 | only in | only in   | only in  | no
-  URB_ISO_ASAP            | 0x00000002 | no      | no        | no       | yes
-  URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP | 0x00000004 | yes     | yes       | yes      | yes
-  URB_NO_FSBR             | 0x00000020 | yes     | no        | no       | no
-  URB_ZERO_PACKET         | 0x00000040 | no      | no        | only out | no
-  URB_NO_INTERRUPT        | 0x00000080 | yes     | yes       | yes      | yes
-  URB_FREE_BUFFER         | 0x00000100 | yes     | yes       | yes      | yes
-  URB_DIR_MASK            | 0x00000200 | yes     | yes       | yes      | yes
-USBIP_RET_SUBMIT: Reply for submitting an URB
- Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
- 0         | 4      | 0x00000003 | command
- 4         | 4      |            | seqnum: URB sequence number
- 8         | 4      |            | devid
- 0xC       | 4      |            | direction: 0: USBIP_DIR_OUT
-           |        |            |            1: USBIP_DIR_IN
- 0x10      | 4      |            | ep: endpoint number
- 0x14      | 4      |            | status: zero for successful URB transaction,
-           |        |            |   otherwise some kind of error happened.
- 0x18      | 4      | n          | actual_length: number of URB data bytes
- 0x1C      | 4      |            | start_frame: for an ISO frame the actually
-           |        |            |   selected frame for transmit.
- 0x20      | 4      |            | number_of_packets
- 0x24      | 4      |            | error_count
- 0x28      | 8      |            | setup: data bytes for USB setup, filled with
-           |        |            |   zeros if not used
- 0x30      | n      |            | URB data bytes. For ISO transfers the 
-           |        |            |   between each ISO packets is not 
- Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
- 0         | 4      | 0x00000002 | command: URB unlink command
- 4         | 4      |            | seqnum: URB sequence number to unlink: 
FIXME: is this so?
- 8         | 4      |            | devid
- 0xC       | 4      |            | direction: 0: USBIP_DIR_OUT
-           |        |            |            1: USBIP_DIR_IN
- 0x10      | 4      |            | ep: endpoint number: zero
- 0x14      | 4      |            | seqnum: the URB sequence number given 
-           |        |            |   at USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT.seqnum field
- 0x30      | n      |            | URB data bytes. For ISO transfers the 
-           |        |            |   between each ISO packets is not 
-USBIP_RET_UNLINK: Reply for URB unlink
- Offset    | Length | Value      | Description
- 0         | 4      | 0x00000004 | command: reply for the URB unlink command
- 4         | 4      |            | seqnum: the unlinked URB sequence number
- 8         | 4      |            | devid
- 0xC       | 4      |            | direction: 0: USBIP_DIR_OUT
-           |        |            |            1: USBIP_DIR_IN
- 0x10      | 4      |            | ep: endpoint number
- 0x14      | 4      |            | status: This is the value contained in the
-           |        |            |   urb->status in the URB completition 
-           |        |            |   FIXME: a better explanation needed.
- 0x30      | n      |            | URB data bytes. For ISO transfers the 
-           |        |            |   between each ISO packets is not 

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