On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 07:34:08AM +0000, tilman wrote:
> Hello
> > You can use ftrace to help you watch the flow of your driver before it
> > crashes, or just printk, as you have found out, is the best way to debug
> > things.
> Thanks for the hints. I will give ftrace a go.
> It takes me around  5-7 minutes to see the kernel crash, and then reboot,
> make changes, and try again (more if I use eclipse). I am wondering, if
> there are ways to allow faster turnaround times. Maybe, it would be an
> option to run the tests in an emulator, such as qemu? Any experience with 
> that?

Using an emulator doesn't usually work for working with a "real device"
like you are doing now.  You might be able to map your device into qemu,
as it does have USB support, but I have never tried that out.

I suggest staying away from eclipse, that's not needed for kernel
development.  Other than that, it's just normal debugging, good luck
with that :)

greg k-h
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