Hi Julian,

Am Mittwoch, den 18.11.2015, 23:32 +1100 schrieb Julian Calaby:
> Assuming board designers are sufficiently ... stupid, won't most
> drivers eventually need to use the _shared variants? Wouldn't it be
> (horrifically more complicated and) better to just build this into the
> generic code and switch on the shared reset line handling if multiple
> devices take references to the same reset line? (Can we run through
> the device tree and mark them in advance? What happens with overlays?)

Either way, I think we need some way to differentiate between two
different meanings of reset_control_assert - reset_control_may_assert
(the clock-like case) and reset_control_must_assert (the fix broken
hardware state case).

> That said, I suspect that to deal sensibly with shared reset lines
> we're also going to need some way to init devices in lockstep with
> others, i.e. we can't deassert device A until it's clocks are running,
> however the reset line is shared with device B who also can't be
> deasserted until it's clocks are running. This seems like it'll get
> rather complicated quickly, to say the least.
> It almost seems that, unless some other board has a similarly broken
> design, that it might almost be easier to just make variants of
> generic-ehci and generic-ohci to handle this one particular case.

On i.MX6Q the 2D rasterizer and 2D vector graphics cores share a reset
line, but there we have the luxury of a single driver handling both (and
furthermore the cores have their own soft reset bits).


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