A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?


On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 02:56:48PM +0100, John Tapsell wrote:
> Hi Greg,
>   I'm trying to write a driver for this specific usb-to-i2c chip
> (mcp2221).  It only offers an In and Out Interrupt Endpoint.  To do a
> single i2c read I need to:
> 1. Send a packet saying "I want to read from i2c"
> 2. Wait for a reply saying 'okay'.
> 3. Send another packet saying "Please now send me the data that you read"
> 4. Wait for that reply.
> This means a delay of 2x8ms = 16ms  to get a single bit of data.  For
> the specific case that I want to use the chip for, this means I'm
> reading from my i2c sensor at 62 hz.  I'd really like to do better if
> it at all possible.
> Any suggestions?

For a horrid protocol like this, no, there isn't any way to make it go
faster, sorry.  That is designed in such a way to make it the worst
possible thing for a USB system, go kick the person who designed such a
thing (hint, they have no idea how USB works...)

I strongly suggest going and getting a different sensor chip, don't
encourage such behaviour by actually buying their hardware.


greg k-h
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