On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 10:17:19AM -0400, Alan Stern wrote:
> However, none of this answers the question of why you can use both
> cards on a different machine but not on yours.  It comes down to the
> implementations of the xHCI controller chips.  In USB-3, bandwidth
> allocation is handled by firmware running on the controller, not by the
> operating system's driver.  The driver presents a series of endpoints
> with all their bandwidth requirements to the controller, and the
> controller either accepts it or rejects it.

OK, I feared as much. The other machine also has an Intel controller,
but as far as I know, a newer one (and the PCI ID is different -- 8086:9cb1).

> It doesn't give any explanation for its decision, and as far as I know, it
> doesn't provide any information about the details of how it allocates the
> bandwidth.

I thought I saw something in the xHCI spec about enumerating the bandwidth
domains to try to get some more insight in what the topology looks like,
but I guess I misunderstood it? (It all wasn't very clear to me.)

I assume there's no way I can lie to the chip? Like, if I know for a fact
that the card will send less data than the alternate claims (like,
I'm using a video mode that will require only a few hundred megabits/second
in practice, but even the lowest alternate claims >1 Gbit/sec).

/* Steinar */
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