
On 6/15/2015 10:41 AM, Li Jun wrote:


Regarding use of "xyz-disable" flags:
After more thinking this, I just realize that we can use "otg-rev" property
to handle the case of none of xyz-disable properties passed, for legacy
platforms, the new "otg-rev" not passed either, so it's a legacy platform,
if new platform does support all 3 features(SRP/HNP/ADP), the otg-rev
should be passed and also should be 2.0 or above, because ADP is
introduced in OTG 2.0(maybe that's why in current gadget driver, only
enable SRP/HNP).

1) new platform with full otg feature support:
dr_mode = "otg";
otg-rev = "0x0200";

If you're going to use a string value for this prop, why not let it have a natural form, "2.0"?

WBR, Sergei

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