On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 03:50:34PM -0000, Karl Palsson wrote:
> Johan Hovold <jo...@kernel.org> wrote:
> > > 
> > > The usbmon traces seem to be a continual reporting of the "0x0160" shown
> > > in the ftdi_get_modem_status lines.  Is this actually _meant_ to be
> > > happening?  Can I turn it off?  Any other suggestions?
> > 
> > This is the device reporting the modem and line status every
> > millisecond. You can increase the interval by clearing the low_latency
> > flag and setting a even higher value than the otherwise default 16ms
> > period through sysfs.
> > 
> > Note that this also means that any data received will not necessarily be
> > forwarded every millisecond either anymore.
> > 
> Ok, I've now seen that this is actually happening with my ftdi ft232
> devices on desktop linux too [1], but not for my cp210x, and not for a
> ch341 device

Yes, its the FTDI protocol.

> If I'm not interested in modem status, can I disable this entirely?  I
> don't even have modem lines connected.  

I'm afraid not. It's also used to pace incoming data. You can increase
the latency up to 255 ms IIRC.

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