
On 01/04/15 14:49, Robert Baldyga wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> On 04/01/2015 01:28 PM, Roger Quadros wrote:
>> Robert,
>> On 01/04/15 10:23, Robert Baldyga wrote:
>>> This patch adds VBUS pin detection support to extcon-usb-gpio driver.
>>> It allows to use this driver with boards which have both VBUS and ID
>>> pins, or only one of them.
>>> Following table of states presents relationship between this signals
>>> and detected cable type:
>>>  State              |    ID   |   VBUS
>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>  [1] USB            |    H    |    H
>>>  [2] none           |    H    |    L
>>>  [3] USB & USB-HOST |    L    |    H
>>>  [4] USB-HOST       |    L    |    L
>>> In case we have only one of these signals:
>>> - VBUS only - we want to distinguish between [1] and [2], so ID is always 1.
>>> - ID only - we want to distinguish between [1] and [4], so VBUS = ID.
>>> Signed-off-by: Robert Baldyga <>
>>> ---
>>>  drivers/extcon/extcon-usb-gpio.c | 171 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
>>>  1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/extcon/extcon-usb-gpio.c 
>>> b/drivers/extcon/extcon-usb-gpio.c
>>> index f6aa99d..c842715 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/extcon/extcon-usb-gpio.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/extcon/extcon-usb-gpio.c
>>> @@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ struct usb_extcon_info {
>>>     struct extcon_dev *edev;
>>>     struct gpio_desc *id_gpiod;
>>> +   struct gpio_desc *vbus_gpiod;
>>>     int id_irq;
>>> +   int vbus_irq;
>>>     unsigned long debounce_jiffies;
>>>     struct delayed_work wq_detcable;
>>> @@ -52,40 +54,49 @@ static const char *usb_extcon_cable[] = {
>>>     NULL,
>>>  };
>>> +/*
>>> + * "USB" = VBUS and "USB-HOST" = !ID, so we have:
>>> + *
>>> + *  State              |    ID   |   VBUS
>>> + * ----------------------------------------
>>> + *  [1] USB            |    H    |    H
>>> + *  [2] none           |    H    |    L
>>> + *  [3] USB & USB-HOST |    L    |    H
>>> + *  [4] USB-HOST       |    L    |    L
>>> + *
>>> + * In case we have only one of these signals:
>>> + * - VBUS only - we want to distinguish between [1] and [2], so ID is 
>>> always 1.
>>> + * - ID only - we want to distinguish between [1] and [4], so VBUS = ID.
>>> + */
>>> +
>>>  static void usb_extcon_detect_cable(struct work_struct *work)
>>>  {
>>>     int id;
>>> +   int vbus;
>>>     struct usb_extcon_info *info = container_of(to_delayed_work(work),
>>>                                                 struct usb_extcon_info,
>>>                                                 wq_detcable);
>>> -   /* check ID and update cable state */
>>> -   id = gpiod_get_value_cansleep(info->id_gpiod);
>>> -   if (id) {
>>> -           /*
>>> -            * ID = 1 means USB HOST cable detached.
>>> -            * As we don't have event for USB peripheral cable attached,
>>> -            * we simulate USB peripheral attach here.
>>> -            */
>>> -           extcon_set_cable_state(info->edev,
>>> -                                  usb_extcon_cable[EXTCON_CABLE_USB_HOST],
>>> -                                  false);
>>> -           extcon_set_cable_state(info->edev,
>>> -                                  usb_extcon_cable[EXTCON_CABLE_USB],
>>> -                                  true);
>>> -   } else {
>>> -           /*
>>> -            * ID = 0 means USB HOST cable attached.
>>> -            * As we don't have event for USB peripheral cable detached,
>>> -            * we simulate USB peripheral detach here.
>>> -            */
>>> +   /* check ID and VBUS and update cable state */
>>> +
>>> +   id = info->id_gpiod ?
>>> +           gpiod_get_value_cansleep(info->id_gpiod) : 1;
>>> +
>>> +   vbus = info->vbus_gpiod ?
>>> +           gpiod_get_value_cansleep(info->vbus_gpiod) : id;
>>> +
>>> +   /* at first we clean states which are no longer active */
>>> +   if (id)
>>>             extcon_set_cable_state(info->edev,
>>> -                                  usb_extcon_cable[EXTCON_CABLE_USB],
>>> -                                  false);
>>> +                   usb_extcon_cable[EXTCON_CABLE_USB_HOST], false);
>>> +   if (!vbus)
>>>             extcon_set_cable_state(info->edev,
>>> -                                  usb_extcon_cable[EXTCON_CABLE_USB_HOST],
>>> -                                  true);
>>> -   }
>>> +                   usb_extcon_cable[EXTCON_CABLE_USB], false);
>>> +
>>> +   extcon_set_cable_state(info->edev,
>>> +           usb_extcon_cable[EXTCON_CABLE_USB_HOST], !id);
>>> +   extcon_set_cable_state(info->edev,
>>> +           usb_extcon_cable[EXTCON_CABLE_USB], vbus);
>> This approach has the following problems:
>> 1) If ID is 1 then extcon_set_cable_state(USB_HOST, false) gets called twice.
>> 2) If VBUS is 0 then extcon_set_cable_state(USB, false) gets called twice.
>> 3) When both ID and VBUS are available, even if either one changes state 
>> then we unnecessarily
>> update the other pins cable state as well.
>> This is probably not an issue as extcon core might be ignoring duplicate 
>> set_cable_states,
>> but I think we should avoid them if we can. I wouldn't mind (3) as we 
>> unnecessarily need to
>> keep track of previous states, but (1) and (2) should be fixed.
> Extcon core is responsible for storing current cable state to let us do
> not worry about that. However if we really do want to get rid of
> redundant usb_extcon_cable() calls, we can create separate interrupt
> handler for VBUS.

I wouldn't bother for a separate handler. You can still fix (1) and (2) without 
separate handler.


>>>  }
>>>  static irqreturn_t usb_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
>>> @@ -113,10 +124,12 @@ static int usb_extcon_probe(struct platform_device 
>>> *pdev)
>>>             return -ENOMEM;
>>>     info->dev = dev;
>>> -   info->id_gpiod = devm_gpiod_get(&pdev->dev, "id");
>>> -   if (IS_ERR(info->id_gpiod)) {
>>> -           dev_err(dev, "failed to get ID GPIO\n");
>>> -           return PTR_ERR(info->id_gpiod);
>>> +   info->id_gpiod = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&pdev->dev, "id");
>>> +   info->vbus_gpiod = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&pdev->dev, "vbus");
>>> +
>>> +   if (!info->id_gpiod && !info->vbus_gpiod) {
>>> +           dev_err(dev, "failed to get gpios\n");
>>> +           return -ENODEV;
>>>     }
>>>     info->edev = devm_extcon_dev_allocate(dev, usb_extcon_cable);
>>> @@ -131,27 +144,51 @@ static int usb_extcon_probe(struct platform_device 
>>> *pdev)
>>>             return ret;
>>>     }
>>> -   ret = gpiod_set_debounce(info->id_gpiod,
>>> -                            USB_GPIO_DEBOUNCE_MS * 1000);
>>> +   if (info->id_gpiod)
>>> +           ret = gpiod_set_debounce(info->id_gpiod,
>>> +                   USB_GPIO_DEBOUNCE_MS * 1000);
>>> +   if (!ret && info->vbus_gpiod) {
>>> +           ret = gpiod_set_debounce(info->vbus_gpiod,
>>> +                   USB_GPIO_DEBOUNCE_MS * 1000);
>>> +           if (ret < 0 && info->id_gpiod)
>>> +                   gpiod_set_debounce(info->vbus_gpiod, 0);
>>> +   }
>>>     if (ret < 0)
>>>             info->debounce_jiffies = msecs_to_jiffies(USB_GPIO_DEBOUNCE_MS);
>>>     INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&info->wq_detcable, usb_extcon_detect_cable);
>>> -   info->id_irq = gpiod_to_irq(info->id_gpiod);
>>> -   if (info->id_irq < 0) {
>>> -           dev_err(dev, "failed to get ID IRQ\n");
>>> -           return info->id_irq;
>>> +   if (info->id_gpiod) {
>>> +           info->id_irq = gpiod_to_irq(info->id_gpiod);
>>> +           if (info->id_irq < 0) {
>>> +                   dev_err(dev, "failed to get ID IRQ\n");
>>> +                   return info->id_irq;
>>> +           }
>>> +           ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, info->id_irq, NULL,
>>> +                           usb_irq_handler,
>>> +                           IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING |
>>> +                           IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING | IRQF_ONESHOT,
>>> +                           pdev->name, info);
>>> +           if (ret < 0) {
>>> +                   dev_err(dev, "failed to request handler for ID IRQ\n");
>>> +                   return ret;
>>> +           }
>>>     }
>>> -
>>> -   ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, info->id_irq, NULL,
>>> -                                   usb_irq_handler,
>>> -                                   IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING |
>>> -                                   IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING | IRQF_ONESHOT,
>>> -                                   pdev->name, info);
>>> -   if (ret < 0) {
>>> -           dev_err(dev, "failed to request handler for ID IRQ\n");
>>> -           return ret;
>>> +   if (info->vbus_gpiod) {
>>> +           info->vbus_irq = gpiod_to_irq(info->vbus_gpiod);
>>> +           if (info->vbus_irq < 0) {
>>> +                   dev_err(dev, "failed to get VBUS IRQ\n");
>>> +                   return info->vbus_irq;
>>> +           }
>>> +           ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, info->vbus_irq, NULL,
>>> +                           usb_irq_handler,
>>> +                           IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING |
>>> +                           IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING | IRQF_ONESHOT,
>>> +                           pdev->name, info);
>>> +           if (ret < 0) {
>>> +                   dev_err(dev, "failed to request handler for VBUS 
>>> IRQ\n");
>>> +                   return ret;
>>> +           }
>>>     }
>>>     platform_set_drvdata(pdev, info);
>>> @@ -179,9 +216,16 @@ static int usb_extcon_suspend(struct device *dev)
>>>     int ret = 0;
>>>     if (device_may_wakeup(dev)) {
>>> -           ret = enable_irq_wake(info->id_irq);
>>> -           if (ret)
>>> -                   return ret;
>>> +           if (info->id_gpiod) {
>>> +                   ret = enable_irq_wake(info->id_irq);
>>> +                   if (ret)
>>> +                           return ret;
>>> +           }
>>> +           if (info->vbus_gpiod) {
>>> +                   ret = enable_irq_wake(info->vbus_irq);
>>> +                   if (ret)
>>> +                           goto err;
>>> +           }
>>>     }
>>>     /*
>>> @@ -189,8 +233,16 @@ static int usb_extcon_suspend(struct device *dev)
>>>      * as GPIOs used behind I2C subsystem might not be
>>>      * accessible until resume completes. So disable IRQ.
>>>      */
>>> -   disable_irq(info->id_irq);
>>> +   if (info->id_gpiod)
>>> +           disable_irq(info->id_irq);
>>> +   if (info->vbus_gpiod)
>>> +           disable_irq(info->vbus_irq);
>>> +
>>> +   return ret;
>>> +err:
>>> +   if (info->id_gpiod)
>>> +           disable_irq_wake(info->id_irq);
>>>     return ret;
>>>  }
>>> @@ -200,13 +252,28 @@ static int usb_extcon_resume(struct device *dev)
>>>     int ret = 0;
>>>     if (device_may_wakeup(dev)) {
>>> -           ret = disable_irq_wake(info->id_irq);
>>> -           if (ret)
>>> -                   return ret;
>>> +           if (info->id_gpiod) {
>>> +                   ret = disable_irq_wake(info->id_irq);
>>> +                   if (ret)
>>> +                           return ret;
>>> +           }
>>> +           if (info->vbus_gpiod) {
>>> +                   ret = disable_irq_wake(info->vbus_irq);
>>> +                   if (ret)
>>> +                           goto err;
>>> +           }
>>>     }
>>> -   enable_irq(info->id_irq);
>>> +   if (info->id_gpiod)
>>> +           enable_irq(info->id_irq);
>>> +   if (info->vbus_gpiod)
>>> +           enable_irq(info->vbus_irq);
>>> +
>>> +   return ret;
>>> +err:
>>> +   if (info->id_gpiod)
>>> +           enable_irq_wake(info->id_irq);
>>>     return ret;
>>>  }
>>>  #endif

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